Building Europe From Roots

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Tuesday 6 December 2011

Polish Week In Turkey

                                                     POLISH WEEK IN TURKEY
                                                (28th November-2nd December 2011)

Our students prepared  a bulletin board about Poland. They demonstrated some factfile information about Poland, Warsaw and Ostroleka and also some photos from Poland.

Our principal told the audience about his experiences in Poland. He talked about the War Museum in Warsaw.

Our conference hall was full of students.

Şebnem and Senay gave a presentation about each day of the presentation showing some photos from our visit.

Our Geography teacher Mehtap told us about Poland and its geography.

Cansu gave a presentation about Polish cuisine. 



Meeting in Italy
   Types of City Planning
  • Chessboard / Grid System
  • Garden System

  City Planning in History
  • Arcaic Period
    • Göllüdağ
    • Zernaki Tepe
    • Miletos
    • Smyrna
  • Classic Period
    • Priene
    • Knidos
    • Herakleia
    • Khyton
  • Helenistic Period
    • Nikaia
    • Antiokheia
    • Kremna
    • Sagalassos
    • Perge

Meeting in Turkey
  • European Cities with Chessboard System
    • Rome
    • Paris
    • Madrid
    • Barcelona
    • Venice
    • Vienna
    • London
  • Comparing Europe and Anatolia


Sunday 4 December 2011

PESCARA 13th - 19th December 2011

* Monday 12th December
Arrival of the Polish team - Bus transfer to Pescara

* Tuesday 13th December
Arrival of Comenius teams - Bus transfer to Pescara
Students go with host families - Teachers arrive at the hotel Victoria (Via Piave, 142)
Welcoming dinner

* Wednesday 14th December
10.00 - 13.00 Official meeting at the school Main Hall
Presentation of the Power point works of each Comenius team

13.15 Coffee break
A walk around Pescara - Free time

* Thursday 15th December
9.00 - 10.20 Meeting at school
A visit around the school
Working on the project

10.45 - 11.15 Visit to D'Annunzio's Birthplace
11.20 - 13.30 Visit to Abruzzo Folk Museum
15.30 Bus transfer to Chieti (teachers and students)
16.00 - 17.30 Visit to the Archeological Museum
Surprise performance

* Friday 16th December
9.30 - 12.00 Meeting at school
Working on the project
Free time
19.00 Meeting at Pescara Terminal Bus (teachers and students)
20.00 - 24.00
Surprise dinner

* Saturday 17th December
8.00 Meeting at Pescara Terminal Bus
Guided tour of Atri, a village in Abruzzo with Roman roads, Cathedral and cistern
Free time in Pescara

* Sunday 18th December
6.00 Meeting at Pescara Terminal Bus (teachers and students)
Guided tour of Rome
Teachers and students arrive at hotel Domus Mariae

* Monday 19th December
Departure day: Greek, Polish and Turkish teams

* Tuesday 20th December
Departure day: Romanian and Spanish teams