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Tuesday 21 June 2011

The Official Hymn of our Project

Hello Comenius People,

as you all know we have chosen the song "Bailaches Carolina" with an unanimous votation as our Official Hymn after Loli's proposal.

It is well known that it was not an easy decision, we discussed for hours...

we had dozens of options...

we tried hundreds of other songs...

we sang and we danced all night long... just to try...

but our best singer convinced us that this song was the best for us.

This is the story of our hymn... please, have a look at it:

You can find it here, too: Bailaches Carolina

and after that, please have a look on this video, too. It is about human right to have education, you won't waste your time... and on this one.


  1. hahahahaha :) Bruno, u r absolutely amazing. I suggest to put the lyrics of all the songs we were singing in Romania and I will create a kind of a songbook for your visit in Poland ( a visit to a PARADISE)

  2. Great idea!
    I'll send you some famous Italian song lyrics.

    Who remember any of the other songs?

  3. I encourage all the other people to put some lyrics here or send them to me. Here is my e-mail:
