Building Europe From Roots

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Monday 26 September 2011


October 6th – 12th 2011

Thursday 6th October

* Collecting Comenius teams from the airport and railway station – bus transport to Ostrołęka
* First stop at school – students collect students J
* Teachers arrive at the hotel (Augustyniak Pensjonat, Krańcowa Street)   
* 20:30 - Dinner for teachers at the hotel

Friday 7th October

* 10:30 – 12:30 official meeting in the Town Hall (Teachers and Students)
Presentation of the project and its members
Each team presents its own presentation
Students divided into teams work on particular tasks
Coffee and cookie break J 
* 12:30 – 13:30 visit to Kurpie Museum in Ostrołęka
* Free time
* 19:00  Welcoming Dinner

Saturday 8th October  

* Trip to Warsaw  

Sunday 9th October

* Trip to the Lakes and Kurpie regions

Monday 10th October

* 10:00 Opening at school I LO – teachers and students get acquainted with the building and staff
* 11:00 Working on the project at school
* 13:00 Presentation about Poland
* 14:00 Free time (Have a light lunch before the early dinner)
* 18:00 Early Dinner ( Our suggestion is to have  it at 6 p.m. due to following performance)
* 20:00 – 22:00 Surprise performance J

Tuesday 11th October

* 10:00 Working on the project at school
* 11:00 – 12:00 Students present team work results 
* 12:00 – 14:00 A walk around Ostrołęka  - free time
* 17:00 – 18:00 Parents, students, teachers – farewell meeting in the school canteen
* Farewell dinner

Wednesday 12th October  

Departure Day LLL



  1. Thank you, Iwona!
    I think it will be a very nice and creative meeting!

    See you soon,
