Building Europe From Roots

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Monday 17 January 2011

Meeting in Athens, program and more...

Hello dear partners,
In the first file attached you will find the list of the participants (teachers and pupils), in the second the list of hosting pupils and in the third the final programme of the meeting in Athens.
I don't know the time of arrival /departure of some parners yet ... That's why they are non filled in the programme. When I fill the hours, we will be ready to upload the programme on the blog.
So, I need from all of the partners:
a) to confirm to me the time and flight number of your arrival and departure from Athens.
b) to tell me how much time you need for your presentations on the project and the title / theme of your presentation.
c) to give me a mobile contact number for each country group. I might need it the days you will be here.
My mobile number is 00306946502605.
d) In the attached file "Participants" I have a list of the teachers who participate in the meeting. Please fill the subject that each teacher from your country teaches and return the file to me.
e) Taner, the rooms have been re-arranged as you have asked.

Looking forward to hearing from you.
See you soon!
Alexandra Forlida


  1. I have sent you an email with the info you need.

  2. I have already sent the data you asked for.

  3. I sent you the information you asked for yesterday.

  4. I also sent you the information you asked for.
