Building Europe From Roots

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Monday 10 January 2011



The dates for the meetings in Greece and Romania had to be brought forward due to the school calendar established by the Greek Educational Authorities, who do not allow teachers or students to travel after the Easter holidays.
They will be held on the following dates:
  • Greece: The meeting will take place between January, 27th (arrival time) and February, 2nd (departure time) 2011.
  • Romania: It will very likely take place between April, 7th and 13th 2011. However, these dates have not been confirmed yet.

2.     The topics each school will be working on during the first year of the Comenius Project are the following:

  • Spain: Greek and Latin Mythology in Literature, Art, Music and Cinema.
  • Greece: The Olympic Games
  • Italy: Roman Art
  • Poland: The origins of Democracy
  • Romania: Mathematics from the beginning to the present
  • Turkey: The waterway system

3.      During the meeting held in Spain, each associate member presented a draft using different formats (power point or dossier) which showed an outline of the work they were going to develop. It was agreed that all the schools must produce a power point presentation of the work in progress so as to present it at the meeting in Greece. This power point presentation mustn’t be longer than 15 minutes in order to make the organisation of the meeting easier.

4.      Since each associate member will be dealing with a different topic, it was decided that each country would upload a quiz of 10 questions with closed answers or hot potatoes (= a quiz of 10 hot potatoes questions?) to the forum opened by the Italian school for this project, in order to keep one another informed about our progress. The deadline dates to upload the questionnaire into the forum were agreed as follows:

  • Greece, Italy and  Poland: December, 10th  2010
  • Spain, Romania and  Turkey: March, 1st   2011

5.     Our project also includes opening a web page. Since our Romanian associates have more experience in IT, they offered to do this task, which is planned to be finished by the time we meet in Athens. We decided to name the page by using an acronym such as bfr>before (, and also agreed to design a logo as well as find an aphorism, all of which are meant to summarise the idea of our project topic: Building Europe from roots. The deadline to present proposals will be January, 20th .

6.     During the meeting in Spain, we all  worked on / contributed  possible ideas to celebrate the Spanish week, which will be used as a model for the celebration of the weeks dedicated to the other five countries. We agreed on the following:

§        Load a report on the forum/webpage, including texts and photos/videos about the meeting in Spain. Each country must load its own report.
§        Load the news cuttings about the meeting which were reported in each country local newspapers and the two radio interviews broadcasted in Spain.
§        Fix a date for the exhibition to be held by all the countries (between December 17th and 23rd)
§        To begin with, each country can show its own report to its school community.
§        A panel with a map of Spain, political organization, administrative division, languages, population, the most famous cities… can be shown
§        Recipe (for instance, Spanish omelette): you can organize a competition.
§        The Spanish teachers and students will prepare a list of films, musicians, writers they recommend.
§        Projection of a Spanish film at the library.
§        Students can ask their hosts to inform them about their music  likes
§        A conference about Spanish literature, if possible.

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