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Friday 1 April 2011

Price of airport transfer

I finally have the price of the transport from Timisoara to Arad and back to Timisoara when you return to your countries. It is 50 euro per country. It is the cheapest I could find. Hope it is ok with you. See all of you soon.


  1. Nicoleta
    it is really cheap!
    Well, I understand it is 50 euro for the whole group, isn't it?

  2. Hello Nicoleta,
    it is o.k. for us.

    Thank you,

  3. Yes, Bruno, it is 50 euro for the whole group, I mean the Italian group.
    Adina will be waiting for you at the airport on Thursday afternoon. The bus will pic up the Greek people and the Spanish people and then come to Arad. I hope everything will go according to schedule and the planes won't be late so that the bus can go back to Timisoara and pick the Italian group. If there is a delay, please wait, we will be coming!
    I'll send you my phone number by email, just in case.

  4. The price is OK for us, too.


  5. When must we pay, here by credit card or in Arad/Timisoara?

    Let me know, please.

    A last question: would it be possible for us to pay the hotel by card or must we pay cash?

    See you soon

  6. I will pay for you and you will give me the money.
    As for the hotel, I think you can pay by card, I have to check.
    You can draw money from the bank here using your card, so you don't need to carry cash.

  7. Getting this information on price of airport transfer is not very easy but this page have made it quite easy for me.
