Building Europe From Roots

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Monday 24 October 2011

Work plan of the Romanian team

Here is the link to our work plan.

As you remember in the first year of the project we presented the roots of Mathematics from ancient Greece and Rome and we followed its evolution up to the present day.
This year we will continue with Physics and we’ll follow the same chronological approach: from antiquity to the present.
Philosophers and scientists have been trying to understand and explain the world we live in but still there are phenomena which cannot be explained. However, don’t worry. As Einstein put it “the most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious, it is the source of all true art and since.”
We’ll begin with the pre-Socratic Greek philosophers and their theories and laws of physics. The second part of our work will deal with Mathematics and Physics applied in different fields.
We’ll try to show you how the ancient philosophers explained natural phenomena such as earthquakes, eclipses, the natural light.
As you know, the laws of physics are countless. We’ll deal only with some of them:
· The state and structure of the matter
· The structure of light and the laws of reflexion and refraction
· The law of gravity
· Archimede’s law
All the above-mentioned laws have lots of practical applications in different fields:
· Mechanics
· Optics
· Computer science and telecommunication
· Construction of early and modern ships and aircraft

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