Building Europe From Roots

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Monday 7 November 2011

Hello everybody :)
Here is the plan of Polish team's work:


1) The cities

* where and when the first cities appeared
* the Roman soldiers’ camps and the cities later on
* the examples of contemporary cities which came into being on the base of Roman military
* contemporary cities and their appearance in comparison with the ancient cities (not including
planning the cities’ building)
* the cities of the future – the prospects (taking into account the comfort of living in a city)

2. The conveniences of living in a city

* the lifts – where and when the first ones were constructed, how they work, the lifts nowadays
* the bridges – when, where and what for they were constructed, how they were built, their
examples – both the modern and the ancient ones


Another conveniences of living in a city.

* the fire brigades – how they were created and how they work nowadays, the first private fire
* the central heating system in the houses
* thermometer
* the Italian Week in our school
Best regards to all Comenius People.

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