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Sunday 4 March 2012

Italian week in Istanbul

In the 3rd week of February we organised Italian week in our school. 
 The students prepared the bulletin board including brief information about Pescara, Italy and photos from Italy and the students impressions about the country.

The headmaster and the teachers who took part in the meeting in Italy shared their impressions with the students in the conference hall of our school.

The students and teachers listened attentively Fatma and Manzume and  the teachers talking about their experiences about Italy and Pescara.
 Our two students who took part in the meeting in Pescara, made a presentation about Italy
 Fatma and Manzume showed some pictures of the museums they saw and talked about Italian culture.

 We cannot omit Italian cuisine. Of course they made a presentation about Italian cuisine.

 The students of our school along with the members of Comenius Team in our school saw the presenatation of some nice photos of the meeting in Pescara.

We watched the movie called "Life is Beautiful" starring Italian actor Roberto Benigni.


  1. Excellent work!
    Congratulations to the Turkish team!

  2. Thank you to the Turkish teachers and students who keep a good memory of Italy and didn't forget anything about their experience in Pescara.
