Building Europe From Roots

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Wednesday 25 July 2012

Are you adventurous enough?

Dear all,
I have been thinking about the final report and come up with an idea - what would it be like to meet one more time, before the beginning of the school year, somewhere half way, and write the final report?
Just for a weekend, work together once more and have some fun..
How does it sound?
Are you interested?
It could happen, if we really put our minds into it.
Have a nice holiday and let me know what you think.


  1. That's a great idea Nicoleta! We can meet in Istanbul. We would be pleased to meet and host you again. If it is not possible we can meet somewhere we haven't been during the project. Paris, Madrid anywhere that we can arrange flight tickets with a reasonable price. We're in as Turkish team as long as it is not between 13th and 25th of August.

  2. Hello everybody.
    It's a great idea but I am not sure if we (Loli and I) will be able to go. Loli is not OK (she has problems with her leg) and my sister and her children will be visiting me for ten days in August.
    Furthermore, we will have to find a cheap flight to ... and it is not easy to find cheap flights in August. We start the school year on September, 3rd.
    We can try it but we don't have a lot of time to agree on the place and the dates.
    As for the final report, I am writing the common part but I must recognize that I don't fancy and I cannot finish it. My mind is empty.
    Where do you thing we could find the cheapest flight and stay? Perhaps Budapest?
