Building Europe From Roots

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Thursday 20 September 2012

Final Report

Dear partners,
I have sent the final report today.
It was such a pleasure working with you. Thank you for this priviledge.


  1. Dear partners.

    I sent my own report on line yesterday morning and I'll send it by post on Monday or Tuesday.

    I have done some changes in the description of the project that appears on EST. I've just sent a mail to all of you in order to let you know.

    As for us, I think the project is over.

    Thank you very much for everything. I's been a pleasure to work with you in this project. I hope we keep in touch in the future.

    Best wishes.

    Your coordinator

    1. Dear Paloma.
      I sent my report on Friday night. I wolud like to thank you very much for everything you did for us, for the project and for me :)
      It was a great time to work with you. Thank you for all good things and sorry for the bad.
      Don't forget that you have friends in Poland.
      Keep in touch.
      Best wishes for all Spanish team. Kisses for Loli.

  2. Dear friends,
    I sent my final report yesterday. I thank you all for your help.
    It was a pleasure to work with you.
    I am uploading our results on EST, I hope I will be able to manage it.
    Hugs and kisses to you all.
    Keep in touch,

  3. Dear Friends,
    I have also sent the report last week. I am very pleased to meet all of you in our first Comenius project experience. I have enjoyed a lot visiting your countries, your cities and towns and getting to know you and your culture. It is very nice to know that we have friends in different parts of Europe, from north to south, from east to west. For me, the best part of the project was to host you in our country. I wish Nicoleta could make it, too. It will be a great pleasure to meet you again. Don't forget that Istanbul is your other home and we are your friends. Thank you very much for everything.
    Keep in touch
    Best wishes
