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Tuesday 21 December 2010

Latest News from Athens

Hosting of the pupils:

We have arranged the hosting of the pupils, taking into consideration every information you've given us.
When When we come back from Christmas vacations, we'll send you the names of the hosts and hostesses. We've done our best so that there won't be any problems and we hope they will have the time of their life here in Athens!

Programme of the meeting

We will also send you the detailed programme of the meeting in Athens which will include a guided tour to the Acropolis Museum, a visit to the Acropolis and a day trip to Olympia. Be prepared for a lot of walking and don’t forget your trainers!

Arrivals and departures
We have already received the times of arrival and departure of the Italian and the Spanish team. If you have booked your flights, please send the time to us.

Santa Claus is about to arrive in Athens and every preparation is being made for him, so schools close on Thursday for a fortnight! Our best wishes to all of you


Alexandra and the Greek Team


  1. Thank you very much for everything.

    I will see you in January if the weather and the strikes let me fly.

    Happy Christmas.

  2. Marry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you.

    See you in Greece on January....

  3. A very merry Christmas and a happy New Year to all of you!
    Hope to see you soon in Athens.
