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Tuesday 28 December 2010

Spanish Week in Italy

At the end of the school term we organised the Spanish Week where we had a conference in which we presented what we did in Spain and what we would do in Greece.

We organised different activities:

We saw a film in Spanish called Stepmom with Julia Roberts and Susan Sarandon; in Spanish it is called Quédate a mi lado. The theme is about two women with different cultures and traditions who meet each other and at the beginning hate each other, but as time passes and they get to know each other and appreciate their differences they become great friends. The students discussed their opinion on the theme of the film.

Two people were invited to talk about their experience on the Pilgrimage to Santiago and the students had a debate with them asking questions and comparaing the knowledge they had received from their teachers during lessons.

They also showed us their Credencial which is a pass stamped each time they get to a stop. The students were very interested and asked questions on how to get it, how many stops you had to make, where you had to get the stamp from and what you would receive in the end which was the Compostela

This is the workshop where we made our posters

We prepared the conference room with an exposition of photos

and products we brought back from Spain

This is the famous Tarta de Santiago

A stand to present Spain

In the end we had an official presentation in which the students were given the Spanish certificate for their participation.


(Thanks to all the teachers who helped to organise the week: above all Silvana Britti, Paola Giorgi, Mirella D'Andrea, Rita Tassone, Yudith Villegas and many others, thanks to our Headmistress and the school staff, and last but not the least thanks to our students, too.)

If anyone of you wants to do a similar post, please, just tell me.


  1. Hello, Bruno
    As I can see, you have done your homework. I think you have organized a very interesting Spanish week.

  2. Thank you,
    but you already knew I'm an attentive and diligent pupil...
