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Thursday 16 December 2010

Very important news from Greece

Hello dear partners,

Thank you for the details you've sent us about the teachers and pupils travelling to Greece.
Please, the partners who haven't sent us yet the names of the travelling pupils or teachers, they should do it the soonest possible. We need the names to arrange free admissions in the museums and places of interest and this is quite a bureaucracy.

We'll do our best to accommodate the kids and as soon as we arrange things we will inform you.

We just want to emphasize some issues concerning the hosting of the pupils in Athens:
Our pupils who participate in the Comenius are very young, most of them are around 15 years old. The oldest were the ones who travelled to Spain.Their daily life is divided between going to school and being with their families.
The majority of our pupils participating in the project are boys while at the same time we will receive many girls in the Athens meeting, specifically 13 girls and only 4 boys.
In case the girls are hosted by boys,we are sure there won't be any problems since we will have ensured that there is enough space at the hosting home and a separate bedroom for them so as not to feel uncomfortable at all.

Taner, about the extra pupils from your school that might join you at their own expense. We would be more than happy to take care of them but unfortunately we have too much work to do, not only for the project but also to organize the Comenius meeting here.
We have already arranged some sightseeing activities for the Comenius meeting but the number has to be specific because they include guided tours for less than 50 participants and other relevant things like buses, entrance to museums etc.

That's all for the time being.

Lots of greetings,
The Greek Comenius team


  1. Dear Greek Team,
    Thank you very much for your effort to arrange the meeting for us. We are looking forward to it. As for the extra students, I want to inform you that we won't have any extra students. As I stated before we will be just 4 female students and 2 teachers.I had alredy sent you the name of the students. I understand that you have a limited number of female students to host our students. I'm sure you are doing your best to arrange the hosting. I'll be very pleased if you can arrange a female host for our student named Songül Kaya. Although the other students prefer to stay with a female host too, I don't think it will be a big problem as long as you make sure they have the standards you mentioned above.
    Keep in touch
    Best wishes

  2. Hello!
    The names of the Romanian students are:
    Alina Morar (Female)
    Ionela Matusac (Female)
    Andrei Miraute ( Male)
    Andrei Tautu ( Male)
    Liana Rus
    Elena Serb
    Doina Lorant
    Nicoleta Cociuba
    Thanks for everything.
    Best wishes to all of you.
