Building Europe From Roots

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Monday 7 February 2011

Back home

Dear partners,
I hope that everybody is back home safe.
You are kindly invited to upload all your materials on the project website!
Can we have the logo from the Greek partners to put it on the web page?
Thank you!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yes
    we arrived safe and in time home.
    It was a great experience in Athens and we are sure we will love Arad.
    In a few days I will upload my material on the website.

  3. Hello to all!

    It was a real pleasure to have you all here during the meeting! We are glad you had a good return back home!

    Nicoleta, we will upload the material on the website asap.
    We are doing now minor corrections on the logo file. We will finish it in the next few days and send it to you.
