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Wednesday 23 February 2011

Greek Week in Arad

On Monday, 14th of February, two students from the project team presented some general information about Greece and Ms. Doina Lorant prepared a quiz about Greece and the places we visited. The winner of the quiz received a box of chocolates.
On Tuesday the students who went to Greece presented their impressions and a short movie about the places they visited and the activities they did in school.

On Wednesday Andrei Tautu spoke about the gods and godesses of Greece and Ms. Adina Ghisa lectured about the myth of Apollo and Daphne and Hercules in Romanian literature.

On Thursday Andrei Miraute presented The Olympic Games, past and present, then the students watched the movie about Spyros Louis.

On Friday we celebrated Greece with a presentation about Greek dances, music and food. A group of students led by Alina Morar danced the traditional dances trying to recreate the atmosphere of the country we visited.
Our guest of honor was Ms. Maria Luta the inspector responsible with the international projects at the local inspectorate.


  1. That's a really good "Greek Week"!
    Congratulations to the Romanian team!

    I think we'll have our Greek Week in the middle of March.

  2. Nicoleta,
    The Greek week in Romania was fantastic!!!
    You managed to include so many different aspects of culture and everyday life in your presentations.Also it was fascinating to see you recreating the whole atmosphere we lived here in Greece...
    Thanks a lot to the Romanians!
    The Greek Comenius Team
