Building Europe From Roots

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Thursday 10 February 2011


(VOREEIOS LIBRARY, MAROUSI- February, 1st 2011)


Dates: 7th – 13th April

  • Nicoleta informed us that no more than 4 students per country can be accommodated in families. The extra students would have to stay in the same hotel as the teachers.
  • As for the hotel, she told us that there was a bed and breakfast near the school which was not very expensive (around 30/40 €), with enough rooms both for the teachers and the extra students.
  • Nicoleta recommends us to fly to Budapest because our destination, Arad, is only about 200 km away and the trip by bus takes less than 4 hours. Nicoleta would be able to arrange a bus for us through a travel agency, which we would have to PAY DIRECTLY with a credit card (about 50 € per person).
  • On the other hand, Bucharest, the capital city, is very inconvenient as it is very far (Arad is on the west of the country and Bucharest on the east) and there are no motorways. Furthermore, the trains are slow and bad.
  • A second option would be to fly to Timisoara (45 km away from Arad). However, we should check the flights.
Money (at Budapest airport they accept euros):
  • Useful information taken from Wikipedia: the currency in Romania is the leu (plural lei), which is subdivided into 100 bani (singular ban)
  • Nicoleta advises us not to exchange money until we get to Arad.
  • Anyway, credit cards can be used in any teller machines.

  • As our Polish partners were interested in fixing the dates for the meeting in Poland, we agreed that it would be held from 6th to 12th of October.
  • Information for far-sighting people: The nearest airport, Warsaw Chopin Airport, is about 120 km away from Ostrołęka, so the Polish partners suggest booking a mini bus from the airport to Ostrołęka (around 25 € per person).
  • As for the dates of the last two meetings, we will be able to fix them when we meet in Romania.

  • Nicoleta suggested showing our final power point presentations during the meeting in Romania and uploading them on the webpage after the meeting. We all agreed on it.

  • Romania, Turkey and Spain must upload the questionnaires (hot potatoes) about their own subjects on the webpage and on the forum before the 1st of March.

  • Liana taught us how the webpage created by the Romanian partners worked and asked for ideas to improve it. She also showed us how to upload the different documents. Furthermore, she agreed on sending us a tutorial with the instructions to follow.

  • Taner commented that the students did not use the forum so we should help them communicate. Eleni pointed out that they did communicate, not through the forum, but through Facebook or any social nets, which was another goal of our project. Anyway, we admitted the need of encouraging our students to use the forum.
  • Therefore, Taner suggested organising six multinational teams, each of them composed by students from the six countries, who would have to communicate in English in order to do the tasks we entrusted them.
  • The teams 1, 2 and 3 will have to work on the quizzes that Romania, Turkey and Spain will upload before the 1st of March.
    • Team 1: Romania
    • Team 2: Turkey
    • Team 3: Spain
  • The other three groups (teams 4, 5 and 6) will work on the meetings held in Spain and Greece, as well as on the one which will be held in Romania. Each group must do a short presentation about one of the three meetings. They can choose to do it with a power point, which include some comments on the slides. The presentation will have a maximum of 15 slides, although the students will be able to put a few photos on the same slide.
    • Team 4: Meeting in Spain
    • Team 5: Meeting in Greece
    • Team 6: Meeting in Romania
[The students can change the names of the groups]
  • Taner will be responsible for organising the teams and uploading them on the forum and the webpage. He will need us to send him the names of the students and the topic they will work on.
  • The deadline for sending the names of the members of the different groups is the 18th of February.

  • We agreed that each country will be able to hold the Greek week whenever they want, as long as it is before the meeting in Romania.
  • We checked the material the Greek partners had given us in order to celebrate the week:
    • A CD with the traditional dances that the students had learnt, recorded by Kristallenia
    • A book about Marousi, given to all of the teachers by the Marousi council as a gift
    • A book from the Olympic Gallery, given both to students and teachers, also as a present
    • A CD telling the history of Marousi, which was given to all the students
    • Some recipes our partners will send us by mail or upload on the webpage
  • We can organise different activities:
    • An exhibition about Greece with maps, books, photos…
    • The projection of a Greek film
    • The public reading of texts taken from famous Greek writers
    • A conference about Greece
    • Dancing
    • Different Olympic contests (running, for instance)
  • All the students that have travelled to Greece should write a report describing their experience and upload it on the forum and the webpage.


  1. Dear all,
    We are trying to organise the Greek week starting Monday, February 14, as we have to prepare the meeting in Arad.
    The tutorial is ready, you will get it tomorrow by e-mail.
    Bruno, I'll translate Paunescu's poem this weekend.

  2. Thank you, Nicoleta
    you are very kind....

    just a question:
    are the dates from the 7th to 13th of April official?

    There are very cheap flights with WIZZAIR from Roma To Timisoara... I suggest you to check this company's flights...

  3. The dates are official.
    Wizzair is ok. I don't know if they have flights every day.
    My son usually flies Wizzair from Paris, and they are really cheap!
    If you can book a flight to Timisoara, we can pick you up from the airport, it's not far from Arad.
    Just let me know!
