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Monday 28 March 2011

Airport transfer

Those of you who come by plane to Timisoara, please let me know the exact information you want on the invoice from the transport company which will provide the mini bus for you, that is the name of the teacher or of the school, or both. As the Greek team and the Spanish team arrive within a short time interval, they will be picked up by the same mini bus. The Italian team will be picked by another mini bus as they arrive later in the afternoon. The minibus will take you straight to your hotel where I will be waiting for you together with the host families. As you will be staying in the same hotel, and except for the Turkish team we will be all together on Thursday evening, would you like me to arrange dinner for you in the hotel restaurant? The food is good and the prices are also good.


  1. OK Nicoleta
    I'll ask our secretary about names and so on.
    Maybe you have already told us, but I can't remember the price for the minibus.

    We agree to have our dinner in the hotel restaurant.

  2. Hello, Nicloleta: We’ve just seen your post on the webpage. We understand that you need the information about our school so that we can get an invoice from the bus company, right?

    Our information is the following:

    I.E.S. Camilo José Cela (Padrón, A Coruña - Spain)
    Proxecto Comenius

    On the other hand, we don’t know if you had already told us about the price of the bus before, perhaps we’ve forgotten, so could you please send it to us?

    As for the dinner, of course, we’ll be delighted to have our first dinner at the hotel and meet all of you.

    Thanks a lot. We are really looking forward to meet you all.

  3. Sorry, Nicoleta. I forgot the name of the street and the post code.

    I.E.S. Camilo José Cela-Proxecto Comenius
    Rúa Carme s/n
    15900 Padrón
    A Coruña
    Galicia, Spain


  4. Our school info:
    Istituto Tecnico Statale "Aterno"
    Via dei Sabini, 53 - 65127 - Pescara - ITALIA
    C.F. 91011630687

    hope to see all of you soon!

  5. Dear Nicoleta,

    Thank you for arranging our transport to Arad.

    1) About the invoice from the transport company, the following should be written on it:

    Mrs. Forlida Alexandra
    9th Geniko Lykeio Amaroussiou
    46 Nikis str.
    15123 Maroussi – Athens
    Comenius Program 2010-1-ES1-COM06-20397 4

    2) About Thursday evening, of course we’ll also be delighted to have dinner in the hotel restaurant with all of you.

    See you soon. Thank you.

  6. Dear Nicoleta,
    We would also like to have dinner with all the remaining countries.
    Looking forward to seeing all of you.

