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Wednesday 9 March 2011

Hotel reservation

Please check your hotel reservation:
Spain: one single room, one double room
Italy: three single rooms.
Greece: two double rooms.
Poland: two double rooms.
Turkey: three double rooms and one single for 7,8,9th of April
one double and one single for 10,11,12th of April.
If you already know the time and place of your arrival and departure, please let me know.
I have received the complete information from Turkey and the arrival place and time from Spain.


  1. Thank you Nicoleta.
    Everything is o.k. about our reservation.
    We will arrive at Timisoara on Thursday,7/4/2011 at 14.10 (TAROM airlines Athens-Bucarest-Timisoara).
    Please, let us know how we will com to Arad.

    Thank you again,
    The greek Comenius team

  2. Hello, Nicoleta.

    Our reservation is OK: one single, one double.

    As for the arrival and departure:

    Arrival: Flight number OS396-OS649 (Austrian Airlines, operated by Tyrolean Airlines) Barcelona-Vienna-Timisoara // arrival day: 7th of April // arrival time: 15:10

    Departure: Flight number LH1659 (Lufthansa Cityline) Timisoara-Munich-Barcelona // departure day: 13th of April // departure time: 13:55

    Please, let me know how to get to Arad.

    One last thing: have you remembered to upload your hotpotatoes?

    Thank you for everything and kisses.

  3. Sorry, Nicoleta.

    I have just seen the quiz on the webpage.

  4. Hello Nicoleta,

    everything is OK, we need three single rooms.

    We will arrive at Timisoara the 7th of April at 17,30 flying on Wizzair flight n. W6 3554 from Fiumicino airport
    and leave from Timisoara the 14th of April, Wizzair flight n. W6 3553, at 13,20 to Fiumicino airport.

    As you already know we will be six people, three teachers (Bruno Graziano Garelli, Mirella D'Andrea and Alessandro Catena) and three pupils (Donzelli Chiara, D’Annibale Francesca, Mirodone Magda)
    I hope this is all.
