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Tuesday 1 March 2011

More about Arad project meeting

It would be nice if you could let me know the kind of rooms you want me to book.
Bruno: three single rooms.
Paloma? Do you want three singles or one double and one single?
Taner: two triple rooms?
Here is the web page of the hotel: Click on Hotel Crisana. The prices are:
115 lei/ night single room
135 lei/ night double room
188 lei/ night triple room.
The exchange rate is 1 euro: 4.3 lei ( approximately).

We have also prepared a draft for the project meeting. Have a look and tell me what you think.

Programme for the Arad project meeting
Friday ( April 8th )

09:00 – 10:00
Opening at school
10:00 – 10:30
10:30 – 11:00
Students get divided into international teams for the work in school.
11:00 – 12:00
Romanian lesson
· Teachers
· Students
12:00 – 12:15
12:15 – 13:00
Presentation of Arad town and county
Common lunch for the teachers

16:00 – evening
Students – “Treasure Hunt” + funniest picture
Teachers – Guided tour of the town
Common dinner for the teachers
( Draft )

Saturday( April 9th )

Trip to Alba Iulia, Hunedoara, Deva (students and teachers)

Sunday( April 10th )

Trip to Timişoara (students and teachers)

Monday( April 11th )

09:00 – 13:00
Presentations of all the partner schools on their chosen topic.

13:00 – 15:00
Common lunch for the teachers

15:00 – evening
Trip to Radna, Lipova, Păuliş

“Surprise” common dinner for teachers

Tuesday( April 12th )

09:00 – 12:00
Students work in the computer labs on their photos taken on Friday afternoon
Teachers work on the project

12:00 – 13:00
Presentation of the photos - “The funniest picture”- Prize!


Farewell dinner for
· Teachers
· Students


  1. Hello, Nicoleta
    The draft seems to be really interesting. It's okay for us. As for the rooms, I'll tell you tomorrow what kind of rooms we need because I forgot to ask Loli and Chus.

  2. a really great program!

    yes, Nicoleta, we need three single rooms this time, if there are...

  3. Hello, Nicoleta.
    We prefer a double and a single room.
    That´s all.
    Good evening (or night)
