Building Europe From Roots

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Thursday 20 September 2012

Final Report

Dear partners,
I have sent the final report today.
It was such a pleasure working with you. Thank you for this priviledge.

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Are you adventurous enough?

Dear all,
I have been thinking about the final report and come up with an idea - what would it be like to meet one more time, before the beginning of the school year, somewhere half way, and write the final report?
Just for a weekend, work together once more and have some fun..
How does it sound?
Are you interested?
It could happen, if we really put our minds into it.
Have a nice holiday and let me know what you think.

Saturday 7 July 2012

Italian-Turkish Week in Poland :)

Due to technological problems we’ve ecountered in the last 2 months, we’re uploading it so late. We are very sorry, but we have lost all our pictures. We managed to regain only few of them. From 21st to 27th May we organised the Italian-Turkish Week I our school. Our students had the possibility to learn some things about Italian and Turkish culture and places as students taking part in the project prepared a display of photographs presenting buildings, famous people and cuisine. Students who visited Italy and Turkey shared their experiences supporting their speech with photos taken during their stay. The biggest interest caused the belly dance. They also took the chance and tried to prepare the dishes themselves. On breaks we listened to Italian and Turkish music – Eros Ramazzotti, Tiziano Ferro , Tarkan and some folk music. Not only did we enjoy the music but also watched films, for example “Ginger and Fred” with Sophia Loren.

Thursday 28 June 2012

Comenius Week in Greece

We finally organized the Comenius Week in our school!!!

It included information about all our trips.

The kids talked and presented the countries they visited.


We also tasted local dishes and danced.


It was great to meet you all!!!
Thank you very much! 

Saturday 26 May 2012


Turkish Week in Pescara

We  had our Turkish Week from 8th to 12th May 2012.
Here are some photos taken during the activities.

Our students presented some information about Turkey...

its geographical, historical and religious aspects...

They talked about some Turkish writers and poets, then they read some Turkish poems...

We listened to Turkish music, showed traditional dance...

and, after the presentation of Certificates, we all enjoyed...

the delicious Turkish delights and sweets!

Saturday 19 May 2012

MEETING IN ISTANBUL (22nd to 28th March, 2012)

  • The project final assessment has been considered by every partner to be totally positive.
  • The meetings turned out to be a whole success and we feel happy to say that a deep friendship, both among students and teachers, has come up from them. We trust both our friendship and our cooperation will be a lasting one.
  • Furthermore, these meetings helped us have a closer contact with the social, politic and educational reality in each of the countries we visited.
  • All of us are fully aware of how important the different subjects we’ve dealt with are. What’s more, our belief that the European reality cannot be explained without the ancient Greek-Roman civilization, where OUR ROOTS must be looked for, has grown even stronger.

  • The deadline for the final report should be checked on our national webpages. As far as we know, the final report consists on a common part for every partner and another one for each country to fill in. We think that the best way to agree on what to write on the common part will be by keeping in touch and mailing suggestions.
  • As for the deadline to upload all the material on our webpage, Paloma suggests June, 15th. Alexandra, however, objects that this date may be too early for the Greek team and reminds everybody that the official deadline to send the final report and the material to our national agencies starts on August, 1st and ends on September, 30th. On the other hand, Paloma insists that it will be better for us to upload all our work on our webpage before the end of June since everybody will be on holiday later. Furthermore, we should take into account that the Romanian teachers and the students in charge of the webpage will probably prefer to finish as soon as possible.

  • As for the European Shared Treasure page, we have to wait for it to be opened. Alexandra has heard that this webpage doesn’t have too much room so she suggests that we create a link to our webpage. Although Paloma has no information about this point, she explains that, when she was invited to enter European Shared Treasure last year, the web place was presented to her as a way to keep our work safe. [According to the information she has for time being, the files cannot weigh more than 5 MB]

  • All of us should go through the application form again in order to check whether there is something missing. Paloma promises to send everybody a document containing the work programme and the outcomes of our project.
  • We ought to organize a kind of closing ceremony and invite all the school as well as the local community and authorities in order to present the final results. We mustn’t forget to invite the mass media, too.
  • The coordinator will write a summary of everything we did, send it to all the partners and upload it on the webpage.

  • The Spanish team asks Liana to reorganise the Spanish part of the page since some of the material is mixed up. Paloma will send the webmaster a new version of the previous presentations including music.

  • Paloma forgot to invite all the partners to join our project on e-twinning page. Anyway, only the Greek teams remembered to register. [At this time, all of you have been invited and sent the password you have to use. Please, would you mind checking if the password works and letting me know?].

  • It was decided not to evaluate the presentations. Moreover, the Turkish meeting programme was so busy that it would have been impossible to do it. Perhaps, if we organize another project in the future this could be a point to be included as a goal.

  • Rita comments that Sasha, the boy in charge of the students’ forum, suggested closing the forum right now because the students prefer using social nets, instead of the forum, to keep in touch. However, the Spanish team would prefer to leave it open till the end of the academic year (i.e., the end of June): since the Spanish students must write their impressions of the Turkish meeting on the forum page, this should be kept open.

Monday 7 May 2012

Turkish week in Arad

                                                            Turkish week in Arad

We have just started our Turkish week. Here is the programme, so you know what's going on in our school every day this week.

I hope all the activities we have planned will be of interest for our students and colleagues.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

TURKEY 22nd – 28/29th March 2012

* Thursday 22nd March
Arrival of of all teams.  Teachers check into the hotel and students meet with host families.
Welcoming dinner

* Friday 23rd March
Official meeting at school
Presentation of the power point works of each Comenius team
Lunch break
Visiting Dolmabahçe Palace
Bosphorus  Tour
Dinner at school

* Saturday  24th March
Bus transfer to Iznik
Breakfast by the lake Iznik
Visiting the venue for the first and the last Ecumenical Councils
Bus Transfer from Iznik to Bursa
Visiting Bursa Ulu Cami  (Bursa Grand Mosque)
Lunch at an Iskender Kebap Restaurant
Seeing Performances in Barış Manço Culture Center
Turkish Bath (Hamam)
Coffe/Tea Break
Checking into the hotel

* Sunday  25th March
Breakfast in the historical Cumalıkızık village
Bus transfer to Uludağ Ski Resort
Skiing in Uludağ Ski Resort
Lunch in Uludağ
Going back to Bursa
Tea Break at İnkaya Plane Tree
Transfer to Istanbul
Shopping in Viaport Shopping Center

*Monday 26th March
Visiting Topkapı Palace, Sultanahmet Mosque, Underground Cistern
Free Time in Grand Bazaar
Dinner at Galata Bridge

*Tuesday 27th March
Meeting at school
A visit around the school
Working on the project
Lunch at school
Visiting Hagia Sophia Museum
Seeing the Sunset at Galata Tower
Walking around Istiklal Street
Farewell Dinner

*Wednesday 28th March
Departure day: Romanian and Spanish  and Italian teams
Optional Excursion to Princess Islands for the Greek and Polish Team

*Thursday 29th March
Departure day: Greek, and Polish teams

Thursday 8 March 2012


As you know, we held our Polish-Italian week some weeks ago, but I couldn't find time to upload more information till now.

Here a big poster where you can see a really nice drawing done by our Art teacher

Our book exhibition about Poland...

... and Italy

Sharing their experience with their classmates

Reading two poems by D'Annunzio...

... and other two poems by the recently deceased Wisława Szymborska

Getting the official certificate of attendance to the Polish and Italian meetings

Tuesday 6 March 2012


We think that we could give a symbolic prize to the following presentations:
  • The funniest one
  • The most communicative one
  • The most interesting and gripping presentation
  • The best level of English
  • The one which deals with the topic the best
  • The most attractive and visual powerpoint
We propose six categories in order to be able to give a prize to each country.

Please, let me know your suggestions.


Sunday 4 March 2012

Italian week in Istanbul

In the 3rd week of February we organised Italian week in our school. 
 The students prepared the bulletin board including brief information about Pescara, Italy and photos from Italy and the students impressions about the country.

The headmaster and the teachers who took part in the meeting in Italy shared their impressions with the students in the conference hall of our school.

The students and teachers listened attentively Fatma and Manzume and  the teachers talking about their experiences about Italy and Pescara.
 Our two students who took part in the meeting in Pescara, made a presentation about Italy
 Fatma and Manzume showed some pictures of the museums they saw and talked about Italian culture.

 We cannot omit Italian cuisine. Of course they made a presentation about Italian cuisine.

 The students of our school along with the members of Comenius Team in our school saw the presenatation of some nice photos of the meeting in Pescara.

We watched the movie called "Life is Beautiful" starring Italian actor Roberto Benigni.