Building Europe From Roots

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Wednesday 29 September 2010


I am publishing a new post to make me sure everybody reads it (I am sending this message by e mail too)

About the dates:

Taner prefers from 24 to 30.

Alexandra and Iwona, have you booked the flights or not? If you haven't, we could change the dates.
I know Bruno is going to spend a day more, so he doesn't mind the changes.
Nicoleta, please, when do you prefer the meeting to be held? Let me know as soon as possible.

About the hotel and the rooms:

Bruno, Iwona and Taner have chosen Hotel La Salle.

Bruno: a double and a single
Taner: a triple and a double
Iwona: 3 single

Do Alexandra and Nicoleta want to stay at the same hotel? I'd like to book the rooms as soon as possible because we may have problems to book all the rooms at the same hotel.

Sunday 26 September 2010


Loli, the English teacher who takes part in our project, proposes the basis below. Do you agree?

Essay Competition: Who Are We?

Our High School is taking part in a Comenius Project, together with other European schools from five different countries: Greece, Italy, Poland, Rumania and Turkey.

The project is called Building Europe from the Roots and we will work together on different topics, from Mythology, Art or Languages to Maths and Physics. The objective is to realise how much we, Europeans, have in common and how much of what we share has been inherited from Ancient Greece and Rome. We will be working on this project for two academic years and will be receiving students and teachers from those countries in November. Of course, some of us will also visit them during this year and the next…

Essay Competition:  Who are we?

Objective: To introduce our country and its people to the other participants in the Comenius Project.

What to write: You will have to write an essay about what you consider defines us as Galician / Spanish.

Topics: Anything related to what defines us as Galician / Spanish: Language, lifestyle, traditions, music, cinema, literature, arts, fashion, science, sport, typical food, Media and TV, etc.

Layout: The essay can be either a LETTER or a DESCRIPTION (minimum 175 words).

Dead-line: You can hand your composition over to Paloma (the Latin teacher) or to Loli (the English teacher) in the school library before OCTOBER 12th.
v     The best compositions will be uploaded on the web.
v     The students will vote and choose the winner.
v     The winner of the composition will get a book, a music CD and a DVD movie.


Hello everybody!

Responding to your petitions, I‘d like to clarify some points:

About the students’ blog:
In the project we wrote that we’d open two blogs, one for teachers and another one for students. As you know, our blog is already open but we should open another for our students so that we could load the quizzes and the essays on it.

About the quiz:
The idea of a quiz wasn’t mine but I understood it was a way of introducing each other. We haven’t written the questions yet (last week I was really busy and I am still writing my annual school planning) but I had thought to ask some questions like these:
·         How many languages are spoken in Spain? And in Galicia? Where do they come from?
·         What is the most popular folk instrument in Galicia? Could you describe it or load a picture of it?
·         Why is Santiago de Compostela a holy place for Christian people?
The questions should be very easy to solve because we wouldn’t like them to spend a lot of time looking for the solutions.
When all the schools have our own 20 questions ready, we’ll load the six quizzes on the students’ blog simultaneously. The school that solves all the questionnaires first will be the winner, but without a prize.
Students will be able to load everything they want on their blog in order to show their country: music they like, food, photos…

About the essay competition:
I think we should fix the basis. For instance,
Write a letter (minimum 150 or 200 words) to a friend describing your own country or telling what your daily life is like.
Teachers from each school will select the 3 best essays and load them on the students’ blog and then students will vote and choose the winner.
As students don’t usually like writing very much, we could encourage them by giving a prize to the winner: a film, a book, a music CD… from one of the countries involved in the project.

About the hotel
Of course, it is up to you which hotel to choose, but I have some experience from previous Comenius and I recommend you to choose the cheapest option because you are going to spend 6 or 7 days here and, furthermore, you will have to travel four times more.
I have never spent a night in Hostal La Salle but a colleague of mine’s sister works there and I was told it is a clean place. You won’t have many facilities (only TV and a hairdryer) but it is in the centre of the town and very close to the bus station. The train is nicer but I think there are more buses than trains connecting Padrón and Santiago.
Bruno, I believe you can check the prices of the hotel Rúa de Villar on the webpage.

About the airport
We are planning to pick you all up at the airport and take you to the hotel, but just in case we won’t be able, Labacolla Airport is about 10 km from Santiago and there is connection both by bus and taxi. I’ll send you information as soon as I can.

About being hosted in families
Although I know -because I have been to Turkey- that you Turkish people are really hospitable, I had not considered the possibility of hosting teachers in families because we have funds coming from Europe to pay the expenses (accommodation, meals and transport). Anyway, I can speak to my headmistress and to my colleagues and ask whether any of them would be interested. Most of us may find it difficult to accommodate one or two teachers during school and working time, since we’ll have little free time available; another problem would be the lack of room and/or privacy (the flats are not very big) and the language, as most members of the family won’t speak English and will perhaps feel uncomfortable.

About expenses
People from The National Agency have advised me that I should clarify the subject concerning expenses, especially to those partners who have not taken part in a Comenius project previously.
Each of the participant schools is receiving a grant so, when we travel to take part in a meeting, each of us will have to pay all our expenses with our own grants (travelling fares, accommodation, meals, etc.). The school that organizes each meeting can invite the other partners to a welcoming party and, obviously, will pay the excursions and visits that will be organized during the stay.

Thursday 23 September 2010



After reading your suggestions, I think the meeting in Padron could be held between the 23th and the 30th of November.

If everybody agrees about the days, please, let me know. Have you checked the flights?

The following task is to fix how many teachers will take part in it and how many rooms you want me to book. I also need you to tell me what hotel you prefer: Nicoleta and Iwona have chosen Hotel Entrecercas but I don't know what hotel the other partners prefer.

Do you want to be together in the same hotel? (I think it would be better but...)

Would you like me to send you more information about hotels?

Sunday 5 September 2010


WELCOME to the new blog Bruno has just opened for us. I am still learning how to use it because I am a little clumsy.

As we should start working, I was thinking it would be useful to remember our work programme, so I have loaded it on the blog.

Although in Spain the classes start the 17th of September and I cannot organise the group of teachers and students till then, you should start thinking about the best dates to hold the first meeting and how many teachers and students are going to take part in it.


Moreover, as we are in a holy year and the Roman Pope is going to visit Santiago in autumn (the 6th of November, I think), it would be a good idea to book the hotel for all the teachers in advance. Do you prefer to spend the night in Santiago or in Padrón? Of course, Santiago is much more beautiful and lively. I can check the prices in different hotels and let you know.


September 2010: Opening our blogs

September 2010: Essays written by students, describing their own country. Releasing the winner essay on the web pages of all the participant schools

November 2010: Creation of our own web page

December 2010: Opening of our magazine on line after the first meeting in Spain, with the publication of a report about the meeting

February 2011: Publishing of first reports on our evaluation results in our magazine on line

May 2011: Releasing the score of the quiz (about the topics worked on during the first year), including the names of the students involved in the project

June 2011: Uploading the first power point presentations on the web pages of all the institutions and on the common websites

September 2011: Publishing of second reports on our evaluation results in our magazine on line

February 2012: Publishing of third reports on our evaluation results in our magazine on line

May 2012: Releasing the score of the quiz (about the topics worked on during the second year), including the names of the students involved in the project

July 2012: Uploading the second power point presentations on the web pages of all the institutions and on the common websites.

After every meeting: Videos or/and reports about each meeting. Uploading the final results on our web sites


September 2010: Each school will make up a quiz with 20 questions about its own country and carry out an essay competition on the topic “Who we are” about their national identity and customs.

October 2010: The best essays will be presented on the blog and on the website. A control team will be formed at every school in order to supervise and evaluate the progress of the project

October/November 2010: Meeting in Spain, where activities will be planned and organised. The winner of the essay competition will be given the prize.
During the meetings the hosting school will summon press conference to present the partner schools to the local community. Mass media and local authorities will be invited.
Besides, the hosting school will organise excursions to visit the area and the students will show their typical products to the hosted schools.

December 2010: “Spanish Week” in all the participant schools: projection of the video recorded by the students during the meeting in Spain and reading of the students’ report.
Other activities to be held: Watching a Spanish film, listening to Spanish music, reading Spanish literature…
* The same kind of activities will be held during the other weeks

January 2011: Opening the quiz on line about the subjects of the first year: the comfort of urban life, Maths, Greek art, Roman roads, Roman art, city planning (all of them can be connected)

February 2011: Exhibition of the work-in-progress at the school library and uploading it on the common websites

February 2011: First evaluation

March 2011: Meeting in Italy. Analysis of the first evaluation

April 2011: “Italian Week” in all the participant schools

May 2011: Meeting in Romania

June 2011: “Romanian Week” in all the participant schools

June 2011: Uploading the first power point presentation on the common web page and on the web pages of all the participant schools.

June 2011: Presentation of the first results of the project to all the school and local communities.

June 2011: Second evaluation

September 2011: Meeting in Poland. Planning and organising activities for the second year. Analysis of the 2nd evaluation

October 2011: Opening the quiz on line about the subjects of the 2nd year: Democracy, Physics, the Olympic games, Mythology, the influence of Latin and the waterway system

October 2011: “Polish Week” in all the participant schools

January 2012: Exhibition of the work-in-progress at the school library and uploading it on the common websites

February 2012: Evaluation

March 2012: Meeting in Greece

April 2012: “Greek Week” in all the participant schools

May 2012: Meeting in Turkey

June 2012: “Turkish Week” in all the participant schools

June 2012: Uploading the second power point presentation on the common web page and on the web pages of all the participant schools.

June 2012: Presentation of the final results of the project to all the school and local communities. Sending reports to the mass media