Building Europe From Roots

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Sunday 5 September 2010


September 2010: Each school will make up a quiz with 20 questions about its own country and carry out an essay competition on the topic “Who we are” about their national identity and customs.

October 2010: The best essays will be presented on the blog and on the website. A control team will be formed at every school in order to supervise and evaluate the progress of the project

October/November 2010: Meeting in Spain, where activities will be planned and organised. The winner of the essay competition will be given the prize.
During the meetings the hosting school will summon press conference to present the partner schools to the local community. Mass media and local authorities will be invited.
Besides, the hosting school will organise excursions to visit the area and the students will show their typical products to the hosted schools.

December 2010: “Spanish Week” in all the participant schools: projection of the video recorded by the students during the meeting in Spain and reading of the students’ report.
Other activities to be held: Watching a Spanish film, listening to Spanish music, reading Spanish literature…
* The same kind of activities will be held during the other weeks

January 2011: Opening the quiz on line about the subjects of the first year: the comfort of urban life, Maths, Greek art, Roman roads, Roman art, city planning (all of them can be connected)

February 2011: Exhibition of the work-in-progress at the school library and uploading it on the common websites

February 2011: First evaluation

March 2011: Meeting in Italy. Analysis of the first evaluation

April 2011: “Italian Week” in all the participant schools

May 2011: Meeting in Romania

June 2011: “Romanian Week” in all the participant schools

June 2011: Uploading the first power point presentation on the common web page and on the web pages of all the participant schools.

June 2011: Presentation of the first results of the project to all the school and local communities.

June 2011: Second evaluation

September 2011: Meeting in Poland. Planning and organising activities for the second year. Analysis of the 2nd evaluation

October 2011: Opening the quiz on line about the subjects of the 2nd year: Democracy, Physics, the Olympic games, Mythology, the influence of Latin and the waterway system

October 2011: “Polish Week” in all the participant schools

January 2012: Exhibition of the work-in-progress at the school library and uploading it on the common websites

February 2012: Evaluation

March 2012: Meeting in Greece

April 2012: “Greek Week” in all the participant schools

May 2012: Meeting in Turkey

June 2012: “Turkish Week” in all the participant schools

June 2012: Uploading the second power point presentation on the common web page and on the web pages of all the participant schools.

June 2012: Presentation of the final results of the project to all the school and local communities. Sending reports to the mass media

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