Building Europe From Roots

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Sunday 26 September 2010


Loli, the English teacher who takes part in our project, proposes the basis below. Do you agree?

Essay Competition: Who Are We?

Our High School is taking part in a Comenius Project, together with other European schools from five different countries: Greece, Italy, Poland, Rumania and Turkey.

The project is called Building Europe from the Roots and we will work together on different topics, from Mythology, Art or Languages to Maths and Physics. The objective is to realise how much we, Europeans, have in common and how much of what we share has been inherited from Ancient Greece and Rome. We will be working on this project for two academic years and will be receiving students and teachers from those countries in November. Of course, some of us will also visit them during this year and the next…

Essay Competition:  Who are we?

Objective: To introduce our country and its people to the other participants in the Comenius Project.

What to write: You will have to write an essay about what you consider defines us as Galician / Spanish.

Topics: Anything related to what defines us as Galician / Spanish: Language, lifestyle, traditions, music, cinema, literature, arts, fashion, science, sport, typical food, Media and TV, etc.

Layout: The essay can be either a LETTER or a DESCRIPTION (minimum 175 words).

Dead-line: You can hand your composition over to Paloma (the Latin teacher) or to Loli (the English teacher) in the school library before OCTOBER 12th.
v     The best compositions will be uploaded on the web.
v     The students will vote and choose the winner.
v     The winner of the composition will get a book, a music CD and a DVD movie.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What do you think about opening a forum site like this:

    in this case we could work each school on its page, and the other schools could look at what partners are doing

    This forum is free, I don't know if opening a website is free...

  3. Hello Bruno

    Please, what difference is there between a blog a a forumsite? I have no idea because, as I have already told you, I am not very good at technology. I am a hardworking woman but, about technology, I only learn the things I need to use. Sorry, but I am an expert on the past not on the future

    I tried to register and I entered a page where I could see the flags of Italy, Greece, Turkey, Romania and Poland but I couldn't see the flag of Spain. I don't know if I am doing something wrong.

    Is this forumsite for the teachers or also for the students? Is it necessary to open the students' blog or is the forumsite enough? I don't know.

    And about the webpage, of course, I don't know how to open one, but I think it is Nicoleta's job: when we were planning our project, she told me somebody from her school could do it. As far as I know, it isn't free, but I am not sure.

  4. There is a problem with this forum site
    I'll try to fix it and tell you

    Please wait for my information
