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Wednesday 29 September 2010


I am publishing a new post to make me sure everybody reads it (I am sending this message by e mail too)

About the dates:

Taner prefers from 24 to 30.

Alexandra and Iwona, have you booked the flights or not? If you haven't, we could change the dates.
I know Bruno is going to spend a day more, so he doesn't mind the changes.
Nicoleta, please, when do you prefer the meeting to be held? Let me know as soon as possible.

About the hotel and the rooms:

Bruno, Iwona and Taner have chosen Hotel La Salle.

Bruno: a double and a single
Taner: a triple and a double
Iwona: 3 single

Do Alexandra and Nicoleta want to stay at the same hotel? I'd like to book the rooms as soon as possible because we may have problems to book all the rooms at the same hotel.


  1. Dear Paloma,
    dear partners,

    Sorry for our delay, but I am still waiting for an answer from our travel agency about the possibility to fly on 24/11 and 30/11. (You see, for us it is very difficult, because we have to combine two airplanes from different companies to come to Santiago de Compostella.) Anyway, I hope, we won’t have any problem.

    About our accommodation:
    Because of the importance of the first meeting, we will be four teachers (ladies) and four students (3 boys and 1 girl). If there is no problem with the accommodation of our students by host families and if the prices are € 75 for the double room (breakfast included), we (the teachers) would like to stay in Hotel Entrecercas. In this case we will need two double rooms.

    So, since I have to pay the tickets next week, on Monday or Tuesday, please confirm the dates of our meeting and let me know as soon as possible.

    Thank you,

  2. As Alexandra agrees, the definitive date for our meeting will be from 24th to 30th. If somebody else prefers to choose Hotel Entrecercas, let me know as soon as possible. I am going to book the rooms.
    Keep in touch.

  3. I haven't bought the tickets yet (beacause of our burocracy), but I'm sure to arrive in Santiago on the 23rd and leave on the 30th.
    we will be two "young boys" and a lady...

  4. Dear Paloma,
    It ‘s very kind of you and we really appreciate the fact you’ve done so much in order to make this first meeting successful and our visit in Santiago as convenient as possible.
    Now, we would like to give you some more information about our pupils, so as to help you find hosting families if, of course, this is possible and we don’t cause any fuss. We are planning to take 4 pupils, specifically 3 boys aged 16 (Giannis, Miltiadis , Thanos) and one girl aged 16 (Marina).
    About the accommodation in the hotel, we certainly want to stay in the same hotel with the other partners and be together. But having a look at the hotels again we think that we shouldn’t exclude the hotel Entrecercas because it might be a better option for all of us since a) we will have long journeys to arrive in Santiago (two different flights with different companies, waiting at the airports etc.) and we need a cosy and quiet place to relax b) it’s not so expensive as other hotel s (eg. Rua de Villar) for what it offers c) the rooms look spacious to house two or three adults and it seems to provide quality accommodation (points given by previous guests).
    That’s why we concluded that hotel Entrecercas is more suitable, a more “reliable” choice not to say more picturesque! And we think you were right, Paloma, when you said that it is more lovely. Looking at the budget of the project, we believe that it is within our capacity provided our pupils stay in host families. However, if it is not possible for our pupils to be hosted in Spanish families then, I believe that we will have to resort to much cheaper prices and rooms.
    So, dear partners, we hope that you will think about it again and will be all together in the same hotel!
    Paloma, we believe that it is easier for you to have all the partners in the same hotel (meeting us, organising things - you know better!!!) so wherever the majority of the teachers decide to stay, we will follow. OK? We don’t want to cause any inconvenience to you and of course we want to be in the same hotel with all the other partners.
    As far as the pupils are concerned, please tell us if you can put the pupils up with host families.
    Thank you so much for your help!
    Best regards,

  5. Dear Paloma,
    What Alexandra said goes for us as well. We would like to be in the same hotel with the other teachers. As for the students,we will take three students, most probably boys and if you can find hosting families for them, that would be great, if not, maybe a students'hostel.Our students had accomodation in students'hostels in all the other project meetings of our previous Comenius project and it was cheap and they enjoyed it.I know how difficult it is to organize such a meeting and we don't want to cause any problems. So, whatever you decide, it is ok with us.
    As for the web page, it is my school's problem,as agreed in the application form, that is why I said it would be better to discuss about it when we meet.
    Thank you for everything.
    Best regards,

  6. I agree with Alexandra and Nicoleta:
    it will be better to be all in the same hotel

    it will be better for Paloma and for all of us

    and I think it is better to book the hotel as soon as possible otherwise it will be difficult to find free rooms.

    Hostal laSalle is the cheapest one, but it is a Hostal, not a Hotel, so it has less services.
    Anyway it doesn't matter for me a Hotel or a Hostal. We need a double room and a single room.

    How is the search for hosting families going?
    We are travelling with three girls (aged 17 more or less).
    If there not families enough they can go to a youth hostel (as Nicoleta said) in a triple room, but if it is possible near our hotel.

    Anyway Paloma, as Nicoleta and Alexandra said it depends on your decision and possibilities.

    I tried to open a forum because I thought it would be useful to post student's works. But of course, we can wait for the Spanish meeting and discuss of it there

  7. Bruno,
    It is ok if you want to open a forum for the students, I was talking about a web page where to upload all the materials which will be created during the project and about which we should discuss in Padron. Details as to what it should look like, where to host it not to be too expensive, etc.

    Have you received the money from your National Agencies yet? We are still waiting for it so that we could book the plane tickets.

    Is 24 of November the first day of the meeting, so we should arrive in Santiago on the 23 of November?

    We can fly from Budapest to Santiago and arrive in the afternoon, on the 23, if that is ok with you, Paloma.

    Keep in touch,

  8. Nicoleta
    OK, we can use the forum just for students, just a tool where they can upload and compare their works.

    We are arriving in Santiago on the 23rd, too, because of our flight.

    About funds; as I said in the last Paloma's post:

    We haven't received the funds yet, and our administrator is really worried; I think she is calling our National Agency and School Agency, but I read on our "Guidelines of the Project" that our National Agency would send the 80% of funds on November 2010. Actually, I'm not really worried about it. You shouldn't worry about it because this project is a real contract between two parts and they should respect the rules.

    The problem is that we have to book the hotel and the flights. I don't think we can wait for the funds from our National Agency.
