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Sunday 5 September 2010


WELCOME to the new blog Bruno has just opened for us. I am still learning how to use it because I am a little clumsy.

As we should start working, I was thinking it would be useful to remember our work programme, so I have loaded it on the blog.

Although in Spain the classes start the 17th of September and I cannot organise the group of teachers and students till then, you should start thinking about the best dates to hold the first meeting and how many teachers and students are going to take part in it.


Moreover, as we are in a holy year and the Roman Pope is going to visit Santiago in autumn (the 6th of November, I think), it would be a good idea to book the hotel for all the teachers in advance. Do you prefer to spend the night in Santiago or in Padrón? Of course, Santiago is much more beautiful and lively. I can check the prices in different hotels and let you know.


  1. I have hust read the project sent to the agency.
    The minimum number to travel in all the two years project is:
    10 teachers/staff
    and 14 pupils

    As we will travel 5 times, it means:
    at least 2 teachers staff (2-2-2-2-2)
    and 3 pupils (3-3-3-3-2)

    for each travel, of course.

    But in this first meeting we will have a lot to do, to organise, to speak, to agree, to write down, etc. and I suggest to travel with three teachers (it doesn't matter how many pupils, two or theree of them I think it is the same.

    In Padrón or in Santiago?
    It depends on costs, I think.
    If I am not in error Padrón is about 30 kms from Santiago...
    Is it well connected to Santiago?

    What do you suggest Paloma?

  2. If I were you, I'd prefer Santiago, it´s bigger and much more beautiful. I suppose Padrón in cheaper than Santiago, but I can check the prices this week.
    I am a little worried about the date because of Papa's visit. We should set a date. I don't know when we'll receive the grant but I suppose it will not be before the end of November. Perhaps this can a be a problem in order to set a date.
    Padrón is less than 20 Km from Santiago (almost all my coleagues live in Santiago, but I don't) and it's vey well connected: there is train and bus. It is a nice and historic village but you don't have anything to do. I'll send all of you some information (or links) about Santiago and Padrón.

  3. The Pope will Be in Santiago the 6th of November. The meeting can be after that, of course, because I think that during those days Santiago will be crowded with people. Don't worry too much about it.

    I don't konw too much about the grant. How does it work? Tomorrow I'll read something about it.

    If Santiago is not so far and we have easy connections to your school, maybe we can stay in Santiago and travel every day like your colleagues. Maybe in a hotel between Padrón and Santiago. I think the important thing is that the hotel is not too expensive.

  4. Hello to all from our new blog!

    I wish we all have a good and creative new course 2010-2011 and of course a very fruitful and pleasant implementation of our project!

    We have started to think about the first meeting and the work we have to do till then.
    We have started to make the questions for the students' essay.

    We will talk with our national agency asap to clarify when we will receive the grant. I think this won't be delayed.

    Soon we will inform you about the number of teachers and pupils who we want to participate in the first meeting from our side.

    As far as the accomodation of the teachers is concerned:
    since we have had already in the past a project with a Galician school and we have been in Santiago, we can just say this is a picturesque city!! We think it is certainly worth to stay there!

    That's all for the time being.
    Till soon!
    Lots of greetings,

  5. About the number of our pupils who we plan to travel to Spain:
    Paloma,since the classes in Greece begin next week (13th of September) we cannot tell you now exactly which pupils will participate in the first meeting but the numbers that Bruno refers to his comment above are very reasonable.
    So the number of participant pupils in the first meeting from our school will certainly be similar to the number that Bruno says above. Ok?
    More details about this soon...

  6. Hello to you all!
    Nice to meet you again.
    School starts on the 13th of September in Romania.
    I think the number of teachers and students Bruno suggested for the first meeting is ok.
    As for us, accomodation in Santiago will be nice.
    I think the Romanian students could stay in a hostel, if accomodation in families is too difficult to find.
    We'll start work next week, essays and quizes, when students come back to school.
    As for the grant, I think we won't get it before the beginning of November, at least so it happened in the previous Comenius project in our school.
    As Bruno suggested, the project meeting can be after the Pope's visit.
    Stay in touch.

  7. My school starts on the 15th of September.

    Greece and Italy agreed to change their meeting date:
    Greece on March 2011
    Italy on March 2012

    Is that a problem for you all?

  8. No, for me it´s okay. I fancy a lot travelling to Greece because the last time I visited the country I was 15.

    I'd have preferred the meeting in Spain took place in autumn or in spring because of the weather and the lenght of the days, but, as we need to meet us asap, we'll try you to spend a very good in Galicia in November. I hope Jupiter (or Zeus) helps us and it doesn't rain.

    Then, I should find host families for about 15 students, shouldn't I?

    I am going to write to Poland and Turkey just in case they haven't received the link to join the new blog.

  9. I've just loaded some links to learn about Santiago and Padron. I hope you enjoy them.
    When I find something better, I'll let you know.

  10. The change is ok with me. Paloma, thank you for the links. Can't wait to meet you all in Spain, the more so as I have never been there.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Hello my partners,

    We have found a very cheap (35 euros double room) and clean hotel in Santiago, close the downtown and five minutes walking from the bus station, but the breakfast is not included. We have to confirm the avaliability and the facilities to send the information to you.
    As I have understood, all of you agree to Bruno that it would be better that three teachers from each country take part in the first meeting. So, you will be 15 teachers and between 10 and 15 students, won't you?

    I have sent two mails and the link for the blog to the Turkish partners but I have received no answer. I hope there is no problem.

    Iwona, from Poland, has told me that, as soon as she can, she will join the blog.

  13. Dear Paloma,
    We will be three teachers from Romania and three students.
    The price for the hotel is very good, I think our students could also stay in the same hotel if you cannot accomodate them with families.

  14. I regret telling you that the prices were wrong. I must check them again. I think teh cheapest double room costs 49 euros and I don't know if the breakfast is included. I've just phoned but they've told me that, as you are a group, it would be better me to send a mail to confirm the prices.

    I am sending emails to different hotels but we should set a date for the first meeting. These are the points to solve:

    When do you want to hold the meeting?

    Would be okay for everybody the third week of November (between the 15th and the 21th)?

    How long will it last? 4 or 5 days? More? Less?

    I am loading the links of three hotels in Santiago (all of them almost in the old town center) so that you can see them. The cheapest one is Hostal La Salle; the other two are more lovely: old stone houses...

  15. Hello Paloma,

    thank you very much for all the info you are giving us about Santiago!

    As you say the most important things to define now are:
    1) the duration of all the project meetings and
    2) the dates of the first meeting

    About the duration of every project meeting: we would say that one week (7 days- 6 nights) would be the best.
    We suggest this, because many of us will have a long journey and we may have to take more than one flights to arrive at the destination. Also we should take into account that on the first day of the meeting we may arrive late and on the departure day we may depart early depending on the flight times.
    Of course, whatever we agree for the first meeting will be valid for all the meetings too..., Athens etc....

    About the dates: For us it is difficult to leave school before 15th Nov. We have national elections for municipalities on 7th and 14th.

    So what do you think about the dates: 18th Nov- 24th Nov?
    i.e. Arrival date at Santiago :18-Nov (Thursday)
    Departure from Santiago: 24-Nov (Wednesday)
    In this way a weekend will be included so we would have more time for sightseeing and also the flight tickets are usually cheaper in the middle of the week.

    You are asking about the number of teachers and students who are going to travel to Santiago: we are thinking that perhaps four teachers (in this first meeting we will have a lot to do, to organise, to speak, to agree, to write down etc.) and four students from our school can travel to Spain but we will inform you for certain in the near future.

    We hope our proposals will help all of us to find the best suitable dates of the meeting!

  16. hi
    for us it would be better:
    as paloma suggested from 16th to 23th

    or from the 23rd of november to the 30th.

    It's really very cheaper, less than teh half price leaving Italy and Spain on Tuesday. We have to depart from Rome and fly with Ryanair.

    I'm trying to convince our director to let three teachers travel to this first meeting and three students (they are sure).

  17. As you can see on the web page, the prices (with taxes) of Hostal La Salle are as below:
    single room: 30
    double room: 49
    triple room: 61
    The price doesn't include the breakfast, that costs 4,50. If you want, we can ask them to include.
    The hotel is very simple, but it is close to the centre. All the rooms have TV and hairdryer but I don't know more.

    These are the prices (with taxes) of Hotel Entrecercas, which is more lovely:
    single room: 55
    double room: 75
    triple room: 96
    breakfast included

    About the date, I don't mind the days, I need to know it to be able to book the rooms. If Alexandra agrees, we can accept Bruno's suggestion.

    But what about the other partners?

  18. Hello to you all!
    We would prefer the end of November - the second date Bruno suggested - as I want to be sure we'll get the money from our agency until then.
    Alexandra was right, there will be much work to do, so I think there will be four teachers from Romania as well. About the hotel, maybe the second one, Hotel Entrecercas, is a better choice, even if it's a bit more expensive.

  19. Hello.
    Nice to meet you all.
    For us the first date Bruno suggested would be better - from 16th to 21st of November (last weekend in November we will have national election). We decided that three teachers and two students will go to Spain. We think accomodation in Santiago will be fine. Students may stay in the hotel or with families, it doesn't metter.
    I agree with Nicoleta, Hotel Entrecercas seems to be more suitable.
    Best regards.

  20. Hello to all,
    about the two dates that Bruno suggests (from 16th to 23th November or from the 23rd of November to the 30th)we don't have any problem. Both are Ok for us. So it is up to you to decide.
    Stay in touch!

  21. Hello,

    I have written to another hotel, Hotel Costa Vella (I have loaded the link, I don't know if you have seen it) and these are the prices of the rooms (they don't have triple rooms)

    Single room: 50 + 8% taxes
    Double room: 65 + 8% taxes
    Superior double room: 79 + 8% taxes

    The hotel offers to include the breakfast in the price, although usually they don't do it.

    The Turkish partner, Taner, has sent a mail telling they can't join the meeting between the 10th an the 22th of November. I have asked him to write his opinions in the blog because we should fix the date.

    From 23th to 30 it would be okay for Bruno, Nicoleta, Alexandra and Taner, but what does Iwona say?

  22. Hello to you all.
    The date 23th to 30th is ok for us. I think that Hotel Entrecercas is a good choice.
    Best regards.
