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Tuesday 5 October 2010



I am writing to everybody and I am uploading the same message on the blog and on the forum (if I manage)

I regret telling you Hostal La Salle doesn´t have rooms on 26th and 27th, and I think we should book now because I wouldn´t like to be worried about the booking longer. Between Hotel Entrecercas and Hotel Costa Vella I have chosen the first one because Hostal Costa Vella doesn't have any triple rooms.

Alexandra: 2 double rooms (from 24th to 30th)
Nicoleta: 1 triple+1 single (from 23rd to 30th)
Iwona: 3 single (from 24th to 30th)
Bruno: 1 double+1 single (from 23rd to 30th)
Taner: 1 triple+1double (from 24th to 30th)

Is the number of the rooms right? Check it, please, and let me know. I am booking them (actually, I had already booked Alexandra's rooms).

About the students:
I am looking for host families and I have only found 6 till now, but I hope to find families for all the students. I have only spoken to my students (those who study Latin and Greek) but there more student at school. It would be better for me to know the total number:

Alexandra: 3 boys and 1 girl
Nicoleta: 3 boys
Bruno: 3 girls
Taner: 3 girls

And Iwona? Perhaps you have already told me the number but I have just read almost all the messages of the blog and I haven't seen it.

Bruno's colleague has opened a forum and we can to upload our work there. I don't know how to use it (I have never entered Facebook or something like this) but I'll learn.

We have to agree on the deadline to upload the quiz (we have already written our questions) and the essays. I had proposed the date of 12th of November for the essays but I'd prefer to change that deadline because the teachers who have to run it need more time.

What do you think? Looking forward to hearing from you.


  1. The dates and the hotel are OK for me.

    We haven't received the funds yet, and our administrator is really worried; I think she is calling our National Agency and School Agency, but I read on our "Guidelines of the Project" that our National Agency would send the 80% of funds on November 2010. Actually, I'm not really worried about it. You shouldn't worry about it because this project is a real contract between two parts and they should respect the rules.

    The problem is that we have to book the hotel and the flights. I don't think we can wait for the funds from our National Agency.

    If Paloma couldn't find sufficient hosting families, we should book a youth hostel. But who is going there? That could be a problem. We should think of this second option.

    The new forum I've already open is really easy to use once you have signed in. Anyway I would send you instructions as soon as possible. As I said to Nicoleta it is only to upload students' work, it is not our definite website (this website will be organised after our meeting in Padrón)

    Deadline of the quiz and essay: I suggest the 23rd of October, unless you don't nee more time. In that case it could be the 30th of October. I gave my students the 12th as a deadline, but they wiil be very happy to have more time to work on it.

  2. Dear partners,
    We want to inform you that we received the 80% of the fund for the project from our national agency last week. So we suppose that it is only a matter of time and I guess those who haven’t received the fund yet , will receive it soon.

    By the way we have already bought the tickets for the flights. We arrive in Santiago at 17.00 pm on 24th November and leave on 30th in the morning.

    Paloma, thank you for booking the rooms and for all the work you’ve done to organize this first meeting .

    About the hosting of the pupils, we want to confirm the number you’ve written above. Our plan is to take 3 boys (aged 16) and one girl (aged 16). We understand that you are in the process of arranging the hosting families and we all realize that it is important for the success of the program to have all the pupils together. When they stay in a host family they come to know the “differences and similarities” of cultures and ways of life at first hand. Perhaps they also come to evaluate what they have and how they should try for a better education.

    A suggestion that might help and which we have put forward to our pupils is the following: the pupils who travel in order to participate in a project meeting, are the ones who will offer hospitality to the foreign pupils when they come to Greece. For example, the pupil who is travelling to Spain is going to host a pupil from Spain or from another country. We hope that this proposal will be useful to all of us.

    Best Regards,

  3. Hi
    our tickets are already been bought, we are leaving on the 23rd of November and arriving in Santiago at 9,30 a.m.
    I confirm three teachers and three girls arriving.
    Further information later.

  4. Hello to you all,
    Thank you Paloma for all your work.
    We will be four teachers and three students from Romania, all boys. The rooms in the hotel are ok, one triple and one single.
    The 23rd October-deadline for the essays-is ok with us.
    Hope to get the money as soon as possible to be able to buy the plane tickets. We have talked with the travel agency and asked them to book the tickets for us on the 23 November and return on the 30.
    Alexandra, we have asked the same thing from our pupils,hope it will work.
    Best regards,

  5. Hello my dear partners,

    I sent a message to the hotel yesterday. Today, when I came back home, I opened my mail and I saw they asked me to contact them. I'll do it tomorrow. I hope there is no problem.

    I am still looking for host families. We already have 9, so I think we'll be able to find families for all the students. If this matter is not solved at the end of October, I'll let you know. Don't worry.

    Of course, as for me, the Spanish students who offer to host foreign students are going to take part in one of our trips. And I agree that the students who travel in order to take part in a meeting should offer hospitality when they play the part of hosts. It would be the best for them and for the project.

    About the funds
    Our contract said that we'd receive the money within 45 days after signing it. We had a problem with signing because the symbol of E.U. didn't appear on all the pages, so we were sent a new contract to sign. I am sure we are going to receive the funds but I don't know when it'll be.

    About the deadline.
    We could fix two different dates for the quiz and the essays. We could upload the quizzes on 15th and the essays on 22nd (23rd is Saturday) or 25th. What do you think?

    Yesterday I couldn't enter the forum, I don't know why. I'll try it again tomorrow. Today it´s too late.

    I'll let you know all the news.

    Best regards.

    PD: If you don't understand anything or I seem to be a little rude, sorry, it's not my fault, put the blame on my English.

  6. I have just lost everything I had written.

    Yesterday I sent a message to the hotel and today, when I came back home, I opened my mail and I saw they asked me to contact them. I have tried to do it now but I haven’t managed. I’ll do it tomorrow. I hope there is no problem.

    About hosting
    I have already found 9 families and I am still looking for. Don’t worry, if the matter is not solved at the end of October, I’ll let you know.
    Of course, the Spanish students who offer to host foreign students are going to take part in one of our trips (if they want). And I agree to Nicoleta and to Alexandra: those students who travel in order to take part in a meeting should offer to play the part of hosts when the meeting is held in their own country.

    About the funds
    Our contract said that we’d receive the funds within 45 days after signing it. We had a little problem because the papers my headmistress signed didn’t have the symbol of E. U. on all the pages, so we were sent a new contract to sign. I am sure we are going to receive the funds but I don’t know when it will be.

    About the deadline
    We could fix two different dates for the essays and the quiz. We could upload all the quizzes on 15th (Friday) and the essays on 22nd (Friday) or 25th (Monday). What do you think?

    About the forum
    I entered some days ago but, when I tried to do it yesterday, I didn’t manage, I don’t know why. I’ll try it again tomorrow because today it’s too late.

    Nicoleta, the first day of the meeting will be the 25th because Alexandra, Taner and perhaps Iwona will be travelling on 24th.

    If you don’t understand anything or I seem to be too rude, sorry, it’s not my fault, put the blame on my English. Sometimes my head doesn’t work.

    Best regards.
