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Tuesday 28 December 2010

Spanish Week in Italy

At the end of the school term we organised the Spanish Week where we had a conference in which we presented what we did in Spain and what we would do in Greece.

We organised different activities:

We saw a film in Spanish called Stepmom with Julia Roberts and Susan Sarandon; in Spanish it is called Quédate a mi lado. The theme is about two women with different cultures and traditions who meet each other and at the beginning hate each other, but as time passes and they get to know each other and appreciate their differences they become great friends. The students discussed their opinion on the theme of the film.

Two people were invited to talk about their experience on the Pilgrimage to Santiago and the students had a debate with them asking questions and comparaing the knowledge they had received from their teachers during lessons.

They also showed us their Credencial which is a pass stamped each time they get to a stop. The students were very interested and asked questions on how to get it, how many stops you had to make, where you had to get the stamp from and what you would receive in the end which was the Compostela

This is the workshop where we made our posters

We prepared the conference room with an exposition of photos

and products we brought back from Spain

This is the famous Tarta de Santiago

A stand to present Spain

In the end we had an official presentation in which the students were given the Spanish certificate for their participation.


(Thanks to all the teachers who helped to organise the week: above all Silvana Britti, Paola Giorgi, Mirella D'Andrea, Rita Tassone, Yudith Villegas and many others, thanks to our Headmistress and the school staff, and last but not the least thanks to our students, too.)

If anyone of you wants to do a similar post, please, just tell me.

Tuesday 21 December 2010

Latest News from Athens

Hosting of the pupils:

We have arranged the hosting of the pupils, taking into consideration every information you've given us.
When When we come back from Christmas vacations, we'll send you the names of the hosts and hostesses. We've done our best so that there won't be any problems and we hope they will have the time of their life here in Athens!

Programme of the meeting

We will also send you the detailed programme of the meeting in Athens which will include a guided tour to the Acropolis Museum, a visit to the Acropolis and a day trip to Olympia. Be prepared for a lot of walking and don’t forget your trainers!

Arrivals and departures
We have already received the times of arrival and departure of the Italian and the Spanish team. If you have booked your flights, please send the time to us.

Santa Claus is about to arrive in Athens and every preparation is being made for him, so schools close on Thursday for a fortnight! Our best wishes to all of you


Alexandra and the Greek Team

Thursday 16 December 2010

Very important news from Greece

Hello dear partners,

Thank you for the details you've sent us about the teachers and pupils travelling to Greece.
Please, the partners who haven't sent us yet the names of the travelling pupils or teachers, they should do it the soonest possible. We need the names to arrange free admissions in the museums and places of interest and this is quite a bureaucracy.

We'll do our best to accommodate the kids and as soon as we arrange things we will inform you.

We just want to emphasize some issues concerning the hosting of the pupils in Athens:
Our pupils who participate in the Comenius are very young, most of them are around 15 years old. The oldest were the ones who travelled to Spain.Their daily life is divided between going to school and being with their families.
The majority of our pupils participating in the project are boys while at the same time we will receive many girls in the Athens meeting, specifically 13 girls and only 4 boys.
In case the girls are hosted by boys,we are sure there won't be any problems since we will have ensured that there is enough space at the hosting home and a separate bedroom for them so as not to feel uncomfortable at all.

Taner, about the extra pupils from your school that might join you at their own expense. We would be more than happy to take care of them but unfortunately we have too much work to do, not only for the project but also to organize the Comenius meeting here.
We have already arranged some sightseeing activities for the Comenius meeting but the number has to be specific because they include guided tours for less than 50 participants and other relevant things like buses, entrance to museums etc.

That's all for the time being.

Lots of greetings,
The Greek Comenius team

Friday 3 December 2010

News from Greece

Hello dear partners!

We are ready to confirm the dates of the meeting in Athens:

arrival : Thursday 27 January

departure: Wednesday 2 February

and to recommend a hotel for your staying:
Its location is very convenient, because it is on Kifisias avenue, a street leading to the north suburbs of Athens, where Marousi is, and also it is very near to the two metro stations from where you will have easy access to the historical centre of the city (sightseeing places, old town etc.)

The prices are:
67 euros for a single room
72 euros for a double room
100 euros for a triple room.
The prices are per room, per night and include VAT and breakfast.
Doing a research about the hotel prices in Athens, this was the best value for money we could find.
Please inform us till next Wednesday 8/12:

a) about the number and type of rooms you will need for the hosting of teachers at the hotel.
b) the number, sex and age of the pupils who will travel to Athens.
Also, if you could send us the soonest possible the names of the teachers travelling to Athens, it would be helpful for us.

Lots of Greetings,
Alexandra, Ada, Eleni, Krystallenia

Friday 5 November 2010



Introduction (guests and hosts) at the school library
A visit around the high school and its facilities.

Introduction of our guests to the members of the staff
Each country will show its power point presentation about its school, its educative curriculum and the town where they come from.

Gincana (game) around Padrón

Visit to the cathedral roofs and guided tour of Santiago (both teachers and students)


Spanish lessons
Projection of a Spanish film in English

Guided tour of Padrón (both teachers and students)


Science lecture: Explanation about how the rias were formed
Galician lessons

Excursion to see the Ría of Arousa, the natural park of Corrubedo dunes, the Axeitos Dolmen and the Castro of Baroña (a castro is a walled fortified village, dating from Prehistorical and Roman settlements in Galicia and Northern Portugal).
Farewell party (for teachers, parents and students).



20:00: Meeting official opening at the Auditorium of Padrón, with the presence of members of the town hall.
At the end, a reception will be offered by the town hall


09:35-10:25: A visit around the high school and its facilities.
10:25-10:45: Break
10:45-12:25: Meeting at the school library
  • Introduction of our guests to the members of the staff
  • Each country will show its power point presentation about its school, its educative curriculum and the town where they come from. (Several computers with internet connection, a projector and a screen will be available).
12:25-12:45: Break
12:45-14:00: Meeting at the school library
  • Distribution of tasks between the coordinator and the other partners
14:00-16:00: Lunch
14:30: A bus will pick us up at the school entrance to go to Santiago.
16:00-18:00:  Visit to the cathedral roofs and guided tour of Santiago (both teachers and students)
19:30: A bus will pick up the students (accompanied by a Spanish teacher) to take them back to Padrón.


09:35-10:25: Meeting at the school library.
  • Each of us will share its ideas concerning the subject we will be working on during this school year (part I):
§        Spain: Mythology in Literature, Arts, Music and Science
§        Italy: Roman Art
10:25-10:45: Break
10:45-12:25: Meeting at the school library.
  • Each of us will share its ideas concerning the subject we will be working on during this school year (part II):
§        Poland
§        Turkey
§        Greece: Olympic games
§        Romania
12:30-14:25: Guided tour of Padrón (both teachers and students)
14:25-16:00: Lunch


I’d suggest visiting A Coruña, a nice town on the NW coast, about 65 km from Santiago, where we can easily get by train. It has quite an important Roman heritage, a medieval town and, besides, a lively commercial activity (just in case you want to go shopping). A group of Spanish teachers could go with you, if you wish.


In Padrón you can find the most important open air market in the area. If it’s sunny, it’s really interesting. Some of us could go with you, if you wish.


09:35-10:25: Meeting at the school library.
  • We should agree on the deadlines of the different parts of the project as well as the dates of the two other meetings that are going to take place along this school year.
10:25-10:45: Break
10:45-12:25: Meeting at the school library
  • Webpage
12:30-18:00: Excursion to see the Ría of Arousa, the natural park of Corrubedo dunes, the Axeitos Dolmen and the Castro of Baroña (a castro is a walled fortified village, dating from Prehistorical and Roman settlements in Galicia and Northern Portugal).
19:00-20:00: Farewell party (for teachers, parents and students).

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Problem with surveys in the forum.

Marta told me to solve a problem about the survey in the forum: many people couldn't vote on surveys.

I think I found out what the problem was:
when you want to vote in a survey, you don't have to open the page of the results before voting. You first have to vote and then you will see the results of voting.

The system considers this action (to see the results) as a vote.

It's really strange and I don't know why, but it is true.

Thursday 28 October 2010

Clarification on the quizzes and essays


Three activities must be finished: 
  1. please, check if the answers our students gave to the other countries questions are correct, to improve our knowledge;
  2. please, check the other partners' answers on our country too;
  3. so that the best one could be chosen (please, notify your suggestion how to make this choice)
The deadline for these activities is 2nd November 2010.


Three activities must be finished:  
  1. each country must choose the best essay among the three which have been uploaded in the forum. The deadline for this activity is 5th November 2010;
  2. the survey will then be uploaded, which all the registered students will answer. The deadline for this activity is 12th November 2010;
  3. there will be a prize for the best essay which will be given in Spain.

Wednesday 20 October 2010


20:00: Meeting opening at the Auditorium of Padrón, with the presence of members of the town hall.
A reception will be offered by the town hall

10:00-10:30: A visit around the high school and its facilities.
10:25-10:45: Introduction of our guests to all the members of the staff.
10:30-13:30: Meeting at the school library (we will have several available computers with internet connection).
13:30-16:00: Lunch (in Padrón or in Santiago).
16:00-18:00: Guided tour of Santiago.

09:30-12:30: Meeting
12:45-14:00: Guided tour of Padrón (both teachers and students)
14:00-16:00: Lunch in Padrón or in Santiago
16:00-17:30:  Visit to the cathedral roofs (both teachers and students)


I’d suggest visiting A Coruña, a nice town on the NW coast, about 65 km from Santiago, where we could get by train. It has quite an important Roman heritage, a medieval town and, besides, a lively commercial activity (just in case you want to go shopping). A group of Spanish teachers could accompany you, if you wish.

In Padrón you can find the most important open air market in the area. If it’s sunny, it’s really interesting. Some of us could go with you, if you wish.

09:30-12:30: Meeting
12:30-18:00: Excursion to see the Ría of Arousa, the natural park of Corrubedo dunes, the Axeitos Dolmen and the Castro of Baroña (a castro is a walled fortified village, dating from Prehistorical and Roman settlements in Galicia and Northern Portugal).
18:30-20:00: Farewell party (for teachers, parents and students).

Friday 15 October 2010

Problems with the students' forum

I am trying to fix all our problem with the students forum:

Paloma, Alexandra, Nicoleta and Taner (who is the last one to enter) are MODERATORS of their own section.

Please, remember that to do something on the forum, you have to be "logged in" with the name and password you registered.

How to upload an image or a video on our forum:

These are instructions to follow:

to post an image:

- open a new topic

- write your message

- When you want to put an image on a topic you have to: (1) look down the page ON THE LEFT, (2) there you will find “forumfree hosting”, look just right and you find “search” or something like that; you have to search for the image you want to upload from your pc. (3) Once you have found it, write a description or a title of the photo just below the box “forumfree hosting”.

That’all for pictures, when you click “post the new topic”, you should find the pic on your post

To post a video:

- is just a little bit complex, because you should have a “Youtube account”. If you have one, you must upload your video on your account. Anyway you can upload all the videos in Youtube, so if one of your students has one it is OK to upload on our forum.

- open your video from Youtube page

- click on the box of the “code to incorporate” (or something like that),

- just below this box, you will find another one with the code,

- copy that code on the post you are writing on our forum.

I have just tried and it works. Look at the Italian section.

Monday 11 October 2010



As I haven't been able to find rooms at the same hotel, I have booked at Hotel Costa Vella for Italy, Romania and Turkey. There were not triple rooms but they offered to put a third bed in the biggest room of the hotel. It is a little more expensive but, as Nicoleta and Bruno will come on 23rd, it seemed better to host both of them in the same hotel.

I remind you the prices (breakfast included):
  • triple: 99+8% IVA
  • double: 65+8% IVA
  • single: 50+8% IVA

This is what I have booked at Hotel Costa Vella:
  • Romania:1 triple and 1 single (23rd to 30th)
  • Italy: 1 double and 1 single (23rd to 30th)
  • Turkey: 2 double (24th to 30th)

Greece and Poland will stay at Hotel Entrecercas.

Prices (breakfast and taxes included):
  • double: 75
  • single: 55

The booking I've done is:
  • Greece: 2 double (24th to 30th)
  • Poland: 1 double and 1 single (24th to 30th)

I hope everything is OK and you enjoy your stay at the hotels.


I think I have already found host families for all the students.


You can send me the questionnaires on Thursday and I'll upload on the forum page.

A colleague asked me if our quiz had any rules and I didn't know what to answer. I suppose the school that first solves all the quizzes will win, but I have some doubts:

Of course, the students will upload the answers only if the whole questionnaire is solved. But,
must the students upload the answers of all the questionnaires together or can they upload the answers of each questionnare as they are finding them out?
Please, let me know you opinion.


Nicoleta, we took part in other Comenius and we used to pay the excursions, tickets organised by our school here in Spain..., but we can speak about it if you want. But not today, I am going to have a drink because tomorrow it's holiday here in Spain.

Good evening

Sunday 10 October 2010


Iwona has asked me some questions and I am trying to clear up her doubts. I hope to be useful for everybody.

About students

If we manage to find host families for all the foreign students (we already have 14 families), they will live and have meals with their hosts, so they will not have expenses.

The foreign students will go to school with their host students and, while the Spanish students attend their classes, the foreign students will be accompanied by a Spanish teacher. We'll try to organise activities for them. They may take part in some of the classes, but not in all, because it would be very hard for them.

The foreign students will spend their free time with their hosts. I don't know if they will be allowed to go to a night club, but I am sure the host families will take care of them. We organised an exchange among students within a bilateral Comenius project years ago and there was no problem.

We intend to do a schedule, but I prefer to work step by step and I am still looking for host families and trying to arrange the booking of the hotel. When I have finished these two tasks, my headmistress and I will plan the activities and I will let you know them before the meeting.

We are planning a guided tour of Santiago and Padrón and, of course, the foreign students will take part in it. I don't know yet if our Spanish students will participate in it because they shouldn't miss too many classes.

About expenses

As I wrote on the blog, section CLARIFYING POINTS, when we travel to take part in a meeting, each of us will have to pay all our expenses with our own grants (travelling fares, accommodation, meals, etc.). So, when you take part in every meeting, you will have to pay your own expenses, including lunch and dinner.

The school that organizes each meeting can invite the other partners to a welcoming party and, obviously, will pay the excursions and visits that will be organized during the stay: for instance, the guided tour of Santiago and Padrón will be paid by Spain, bus (if necessary) and tickets included. I am thinking in visiting A Coruña or Lugo, two towns with an important Roman heritage: if we do it, we will pay the bus and the tickets (if necessary), but not the meals. Is it clear now?

About the hotel

As I have already told you, the hotels in the centre of Santiago are very small, so I don't know if all the partners will be able to stay at the same hotel. I am trying to book in two hotels that are in the same street. But I am waiting for call phone in order to check the prices.

I hope to have helped you.

Best regards,
