Building Europe From Roots

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Friday 15 October 2010

Problems with the students' forum

I am trying to fix all our problem with the students forum:

Paloma, Alexandra, Nicoleta and Taner (who is the last one to enter) are MODERATORS of their own section.

Please, remember that to do something on the forum, you have to be "logged in" with the name and password you registered.

How to upload an image or a video on our forum:

These are instructions to follow:

to post an image:

- open a new topic

- write your message

- When you want to put an image on a topic you have to: (1) look down the page ON THE LEFT, (2) there you will find “forumfree hosting”, look just right and you find “search” or something like that; you have to search for the image you want to upload from your pc. (3) Once you have found it, write a description or a title of the photo just below the box “forumfree hosting”.

That’all for pictures, when you click “post the new topic”, you should find the pic on your post

To post a video:

- is just a little bit complex, because you should have a “Youtube account”. If you have one, you must upload your video on your account. Anyway you can upload all the videos in Youtube, so if one of your students has one it is OK to upload on our forum.

- open your video from Youtube page

- click on the box of the “code to incorporate” (or something like that),

- just below this box, you will find another one with the code,

- copy that code on the post you are writing on our forum.

I have just tried and it works. Look at the Italian section.


  1. Answers to Quizes
    Would it be a good idea for each country to publish the correct answers on the forum, after all the students have finished solving the quizes?
    Then, the students would be able to check their answers themselves.
    We can decide on a particular date when the correct answers to the quizes should be put on the forum, each country in its own section.

  2. Good idea!

    What date is the best?

  3. My students are still working on the questionnaires because for them it is an activity of the Engish class.

    We could upload the right answers on Friday, couldn't it?

  4. I am going to send you a draft of our work planning for the meeting. I´d like you to suggest whatever occurs to you. It's only a draft. I am waiting for your suggestions.

    Besides, I need you to send me some information about your students in order to match the with my students. I'll send you a kind of form to fill in.

  5. Friday is good for us.
    Looking forward to Paloma's programme for the project meeting in Spain.

  6. I suggest our students can give the right answer and a short explanation.
    Just to make them practice English.

    What do you think?

  7. Friday is a good time to upload the answers of our countries.If our students give the answers that would be much better.Thanks

  8. The answers to the quizes posted by us on the forum, in the Welcome section, have been moved!
    Where, I wonder, and how can the other students see them then?

  9. Sorry! I have found the answers! My mistake!

  10. It is Ok for us to upload the answers to the questionnaires tomorrow (Friday).

    About the essays, the date to upload them is Monday 25th Nov. Correct?

  11. Yes, the deadline to upload is 25th November, we agreed on it, didn,t we?

  12. Yes, we have agreed on the deadline of 25Nov! We just wanted to check it.
    One more question about the essays:
    Will we send them as the kids have written them or are we going to correct them?

  13. Alexandra
    I thoght it was the 22nd! I was in error!
    OK th 25th.

    We have corrected them, not everything, but just the worst mistakes...

  14. Bruno, I had proposed two days 22nd, (Friday) or 25th (Monday). I have just visited the different sections of the blog and, I think (I am not sure), you didn't write anything about it but Taner and Alexandra agreed on 25th. I had thought Friday was a vey good deadline for our schools and we could upload the best ones on Monday.

    About the essays, my colleague, who is an English teacher, thinks that it would be better to correct the worst mistakes.

  15. I agree with you about correcting big mistakesand uploading the essays on the 25th. Do we have to upload just one winner or can we upload some other good essays? Thanks

  16. We are going to upload two best essays. Is that OK? Now... how are we going to choose the best one?

  17. Johanna and Taner
    I think we have to pload three essays, and not two....
    we have to decide how to choose teh best one.
    I suggest to upload the three essays and then our students could vote the best one for each country. After that, they could choose the best of all. What do you think?
    I will try to organize a survey on the forum.

  18. I chose two essays but there is no problem - I can upload three ones.

  19. I think three esays is OK. And I'd like the students to choose the best one, but, Bruno, I don't know how to organize the survey.

    And, about the quiz, we have to check which country is the winner(not mine, I am sure) and make it public.

  20. That would be a good idea to upload the best three essays. If Bruno can organize a survey for students it will be easy to choose the best one. This will also make more students sign up the forum. The more students sign up and vote the more accurate result occur. When the students are involved in the survey then we might need some more time to choose the best essays.

  21. Paloma,
    don't worry about the survey, I will post it after receiving the essays from all of you. It's very easy, actually. I only need the name of the students (or a nick or something similar to recognize them)... and the essays of course. If you put them on the forum on a word file or if you send me them, I'll do it.

    After uploading the three essays, I think our students could do these activities:
    - download, print and read all of them
    - vote which one is the best one.
    - each country chooses one (maybe not the ones of their own mates) and upload their decision on the forum [I think an entire class or maybe more classes, and not only the comenius travelling students, could be involved in these activities].
    - after this decision, I could organize the survey, I hope to have at least 6 essays.
    - every student can vote to establish which essay is the best one.

    what do you think?
    Is it to complex?

  22. Quizzes:
    I'm having some little difficulties about them.
    Do the students have to check their own answers? I mean the answers they gave to other countries questions.
    Or do they have to check all the answers about Italy from the other countries?
    I think this second option is the best one, but it's only a suggestion...

  23. I told my students to check the answers (from the other countries) about Poland only- so the second option. They are supposed to write how many mistakes each country made and give the correct answers in case of such mistakes.

  24. QUIZ

    I think they can do two tasks:

    check if the answers they gave to the other countries are right in order to learn something more
    check the other partners' answers about their own country and see which country has done it better.

    What do you think?


    I don't know if I have understood Bruno's idea: each country (or school) chooses an essay, and then the students vote. Voting after having chosen the best one doesn't seem to make sense.

  25. Quizzes:
    Paloma, we are saying the same thing.
    For me it is OK to do both activities.
    We just need a deadline, I think.

    It was just to do a double selection.
    Now we have 18 essays to read and choose the best one.
    If you want I can create a survey with 18 options.
    I'm waiting for any suggestion.

  26. Creating a survey is OK... But still ...I am not sure. Is each country supposed to choose one essay only (from 18 options)? The best one? And then.. when we have six essays (the best ones) - we are going to vote again and choose THE WINNER, right?

  27. The deadline to finish the quiz could be November 2nd.

    The students from each country could choose the best essay among the three which have been uploaded, I mean, the Spanish students would choose the best Spanish essay, so we'll have 6 essays, one for country (deadline: 5th November). Then, all the students from all the countries could vote the winner among the six best essays (deadline: 12th). The winner will recieve the prize on the presentation day (24th, here in Padrón)

    It's only an idea. What do you think?

  28. For me it's OK.. I mean your idea. When we choose this one Polish essay do we simply have to put our opinion on the forum? Or.. will we have a special survey created on the forum where we will be supposed to vote?

  29. The deadlines that Paloma offers are OK for us.We are waiting for the surveys.
