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Thursday 28 October 2010

Clarification on the quizzes and essays


Three activities must be finished: 
  1. please, check if the answers our students gave to the other countries questions are correct, to improve our knowledge;
  2. please, check the other partners' answers on our country too;
  3. so that the best one could be chosen (please, notify your suggestion how to make this choice)
The deadline for these activities is 2nd November 2010.


Three activities must be finished:  
  1. each country must choose the best essay among the three which have been uploaded in the forum. The deadline for this activity is 5th November 2010;
  2. the survey will then be uploaded, which all the registered students will answer. The deadline for this activity is 12th November 2010;
  3. there will be a prize for the best essay which will be given in Spain.


  1. To choose the winner of the quiz I suggest each country to rank the other countries. I notice that Greece has already announced their evaluation on the quiz answers of the other partners. I understand that the ranking for Greek Questionnaire is like this: 1st Romania (all answers are correct), 2nd Poland (just one wrong answer), 3rd Spain (2 wrong answers), 4th Turkey and Italy (3 wrong answers). If each country rank all the other countries, the country with highest ranks will be the winner. When there are more than one country with the best ranks then the first one to upload the answers can be the winner.

    We can apply the same ranking rule to choose the best essay. But I suggest to rank all the essays other than our country's. The essay with the highest ranks on average could be the winner. What do you think?

  2. Taner,
    I agree with you for the quizzes and essays ranking.
    I think it's the best way to have a winner. Above all for essays: someone proposed torank just one essay for each country, but we have uploaded the three best essays.
    I think it would be better to rank all the essays, but our country as you proposed.

  3. I agree with you on everything

  4. Bruno, is it possible to create a survey with three options for each country's three essays in the country's section? But ranking for our own country shouldn't be accpeted. When we finish ranking the three essays for each country maybe you can create a new essay for the six winners and then the students can vote and rank the essays. Is this technically possible? And do we have to set e limit for voting? For example at least 20 or 50 students from each country? I think, this will involve more students in the project. Maybe we can revise the deadlines if necessary. What do you think?

  5. Taner,
    I create a survey in the Turkish section for the three essays.
    The problem is that all the Comenius member can vote it, because there is no restriction concerning nationality. Every comenius member can vote, but only one time.
    If there is something wrong, please tell me.

    If someone else wants a survey in his/her own section, please tell me.

  6. Everything is ok for now. I don't mind other comenius members voting it the survey. In fact it is more fair then as they don't know the people and they just decide reading the essays. Thanks for your help.

  7. Bruno,could I ask YOU about a similar survey in the Polish section. It would be of great use for us. Thank you in advance.

  8. Bruno, could you upload a survey on Spanish section, couldn't you?

  9. Bruno, be so kind and upload the survey on the Romanian section as well.
    Thanks a lot.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.
