Building Europe From Roots

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Wednesday 20 October 2010


20:00: Meeting opening at the Auditorium of Padrón, with the presence of members of the town hall.
A reception will be offered by the town hall

10:00-10:30: A visit around the high school and its facilities.
10:25-10:45: Introduction of our guests to all the members of the staff.
10:30-13:30: Meeting at the school library (we will have several available computers with internet connection).
13:30-16:00: Lunch (in Padrón or in Santiago).
16:00-18:00: Guided tour of Santiago.

09:30-12:30: Meeting
12:45-14:00: Guided tour of Padrón (both teachers and students)
14:00-16:00: Lunch in Padrón or in Santiago
16:00-17:30:  Visit to the cathedral roofs (both teachers and students)


I’d suggest visiting A Coruña, a nice town on the NW coast, about 65 km from Santiago, where we could get by train. It has quite an important Roman heritage, a medieval town and, besides, a lively commercial activity (just in case you want to go shopping). A group of Spanish teachers could accompany you, if you wish.

In Padrón you can find the most important open air market in the area. If it’s sunny, it’s really interesting. Some of us could go with you, if you wish.

09:30-12:30: Meeting
12:30-18:00: Excursion to see the Ría of Arousa, the natural park of Corrubedo dunes, the Axeitos Dolmen and the Castro of Baroña (a castro is a walled fortified village, dating from Prehistorical and Roman settlements in Galicia and Northern Portugal).
18:30-20:00: Farewell party (for teachers, parents and students).


  1. Paloma, the project meeting programme looks all right, but please be more specific about what you have in mind for the meetings at school. Do we have to prepare someting special, such as a presentation of our school, town, region and country? Each school could prepare a short power point presentation so that the students could know a little bit more about the partner schools. It's just an idea.

  2. I agree with Nicoleta:
    a short presentation, with power point or programs like that, to introduce our school and our region would be nice...

  3. Of course, this is for the first meeting on Thursday.
    On Friday and Monday we should work on our project.
    What about our students? Are they working on the project, too? Or anything else?

  4. I am not very sure about what we are going to do during the meetings. However, I suggest that, since each country has to work on a different subject, we should agree on the deadlines and the final product rather than on the work itself

    I have not started working on my own subject yet but all my students know they will have to prepare a power point presentation about the mythology topic they choose (a different one each). The power point presentations, which I will evaluate, will have to mention the Greek or Latin roots (authors), the master pieces, their survival in posterior artists and in music (opera, for instance)… If they could manage to get help from your students, they would even be able to add references to your respective cultures, too.

    I am going to design a timetable/schedule so that you, the foreign teachers, will be always accompanied by several Spanish teachers (English speakers) during the meetings. I will not always be able to stay with you because, although I can miss some of my lessons, I’ll have to give most of them.

    During the meetings the foreign students will be working with us in the library. If they were interested in attending any class, I could arrange it. And we are thinking of organizing a kind of guided game in order to entertain them while their hosts are in class.

    I think that Nicoleta’s idea of a power point presentation about each country sounds really interesting. You could show it to the students involved in the project (both those who are going to take part in the trips and those who are going to work on mythology). It could be the first activity. We really need to introduce each other.

    I can draw a more specific programme but I’d really like you to give me more ideas. There are a lot of people involved in the project: 18 foreign teachers and 15 foreign students from six different countries –together with the Spanish teachers and students- will be taking part in the meeting. The last Comenius I participated in was only a bilateral programme, so we were few people involved (two German and two Spanish teachers and, obviously, the students). That’s why I’d welcome any suggestions from you.

  5. Dear Paloma
    The project meeting programme looks great!

    On Thursday: A short presentation of each school/region and perhaps a few words about the educational system would help not only to introduce ourselves but to see the differences and similarities between us.

    We've just sent the questionnaires and the answers and hope everything is OK.

    To all of you: Have a nice weekend!

  6. It is a good idea to get to know each other in the first meeting. We already opened a new power point presentation competition about our school. As suggested we can also ask the stuedents to prepare one about our region. The draft schedule looks nice. The good thing about the draft programme is on weekdays we both do our meetings and do some sightseeing. I cannot think anyting else that we can add to this programme. Thank you Paloma.

  7. We will manage to prepare such a presentation, too. That's a great idea. Is there a deadline for students correcting other coutries' answers to the questionnaires?

  8. Paloma, thank you for the forms you sent to be filled by our students who will come to Spain. This was a very good idea! We will send them to you the soonest possible, probably tomorrow.

    About the project meetings on Friday-Monday mornings at school: we think they should be directed mostly to teachers, since this is our fist meeting so we should talk and agree about many things concerning the organization/schedule of the project work during the next two years, the dates of the next project meetings etc…
    That time the students could do something else e.g. attend a class, (this could be very interesting for them, especially if it is Chemistry, Maths, English, Music, PE and so on... you can decide on them if we don't cause any inconvenience) or do any other kind of activity like the guided game you mentioned.

    Also Paloma what do you think, would it be possible for the pupils to follow us to the excursion to A Coruna on Saturday? Coruna is a wonderful town and for them it would be a unique opportunity to visit it and get the most out of their staying in Galicia.

  9. We'll try to entertain your students during our meeetings. They can attend some classes or do other kind of activity.

    I have proposed two little excursions for the weekend, you can take part on them or not, as you prefer, they are not included in the "official schedule".

    About the students, I'd like them to spend the weekend with their host families. It's the only time their hosts have to be with them. Besides, the students usually organise some activity all together.
