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Wednesday 6 October 2010


Sorry, I have tried to write a comment more than four times but, at the end, it didn't appear. So I am sending a new post.

Yesterday I sent a message to the hotel and today, when I came back home, I opened my mail and I saw they asked me to contact them. I have tried to do it now but I haven’t managed. I’ll do it tomorrow. I hope there is no problem.

About hosting
I have already found 9 families and I am still looking for. Don’t worry, if the matter is not solved at the end of October, I’ll let you know.
Of course, the Spanish students who offer to host foreign students are going to take part in one of our trips (if they want). And I agree to Nicoleta and to Alexandra: those students who travel in order to take part in a meeting should offer to play the part of hosts when the meeting is held in their own country.

About the funds
Our contract said that we’d receive the funds within 45 days after signing it. We had a little problem because the papers my headmistress signed didn’t have the symbol of E. U. on all the pages, so we were sent a new contract to sign. I am sure we are going to receive the funds but I don’t know when it will be.

About the deadline
We could fix two different dates for the essays and the quiz. We could upload all the quizzes on 15th (Friday) and the essays on 22nd (Friday) or 25th (Monday). What do you think?

About the forum
I entered some days ago but, when I tried to do it yesterday, I didn’t manage, I don’t know why. I’ll try it again tomorrow because today it’s too late.

Nicoleta, the first day of the meeting will be the 25th because Alexandra, Taner and perhaps Iwona will be travelling on 24th.

If you don’t understand anything or I seem to be too rude, sorry, it’s not my fault, put the blame on my English. Sometimes my head doesn’t work.

Best regards.


  1. Dear Paloma,
    Thank you for informing us and all the valuable effort you put. I agree with you for the deadlines. 15th of October for the Quiz and 25th of October for the essay.

    Taner Aydın

  2. there is a problem with the blog...

    I can't post my comments

    I'll try to fix it.

  3. I think now it is fixed...

  4. The new forum is fixed (I hope...) and it is here:

    I think that when you open that forum page, you will probably find it in your own language. Otherwise, please tell me.

    Please, open the homepage and click on "Click here to see the rules" (or go to "Comenius Welcome" and then "Rules to follow").
    Read the steps carefully and follow them.
    It seems difficult, but it is only for the first time. After that you should only sign in with your name and password.

    A forum is a little bit more complex than a blog, but I think it is more useful.

    I would like you to be MODERATORS of your own section to control what your students do. After you have opened a new topic on "Welcome", I'll name you MODERATOR of your section.

  5. Hello.

    We already have 14 host families. Everything is going well. I think we'll get it.

    It will be very difficcult to find rooms for all of you at the same hotel. The hotels in the centre of Santiago are very small (except the more expensive ones). I have booked some rooms at Hotel Entrecercas and I am trying to book other rooms at Hotel Costa Vella. When everything is solved, I'll let you know.

    Today it's really rainy here.

    Keep in touch.

  6. Bruno,I have joined the forum.
    Hope to be able to upload the quiz by 15 October!

  7. Well done, Nicoleta

    now you and Paloma are Moderators of your own section and it means:
    The moderator is someone with powers more than normal users.
    A moderator can be assigned to one or more sections on the basis of his skills.
    A moderator, in his section, may:

    * deleting the messages of users
    * publishing advices, making a thread important, closing it, deleting or moving it to another section
    * moving all threads with the appropriate panel linked at the top left of each section and thread

    Quizzes: What do you think if Paloma collects all the questions and then she uploads them in a single topic?

    Otherwise it could be difficult to upload them at the same time...

    We are still waiting for Alexandra, Taner and Iwona to join the forum...

  8. We agree with the dates for the quiz (15th Oct) and the essay (25th Oct).
    We think that Bruno's idea is fine and if Paloma agrees, then we will send her our new quiz till 14th Oct to upload it on the blog.
    We'll join the forum asap...
