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Sunday 10 October 2010


Iwona has asked me some questions and I am trying to clear up her doubts. I hope to be useful for everybody.

About students

If we manage to find host families for all the foreign students (we already have 14 families), they will live and have meals with their hosts, so they will not have expenses.

The foreign students will go to school with their host students and, while the Spanish students attend their classes, the foreign students will be accompanied by a Spanish teacher. We'll try to organise activities for them. They may take part in some of the classes, but not in all, because it would be very hard for them.

The foreign students will spend their free time with their hosts. I don't know if they will be allowed to go to a night club, but I am sure the host families will take care of them. We organised an exchange among students within a bilateral Comenius project years ago and there was no problem.

We intend to do a schedule, but I prefer to work step by step and I am still looking for host families and trying to arrange the booking of the hotel. When I have finished these two tasks, my headmistress and I will plan the activities and I will let you know them before the meeting.

We are planning a guided tour of Santiago and Padrón and, of course, the foreign students will take part in it. I don't know yet if our Spanish students will participate in it because they shouldn't miss too many classes.

About expenses

As I wrote on the blog, section CLARIFYING POINTS, when we travel to take part in a meeting, each of us will have to pay all our expenses with our own grants (travelling fares, accommodation, meals, etc.). So, when you take part in every meeting, you will have to pay your own expenses, including lunch and dinner.

The school that organizes each meeting can invite the other partners to a welcoming party and, obviously, will pay the excursions and visits that will be organized during the stay: for instance, the guided tour of Santiago and Padrón will be paid by Spain, bus (if necessary) and tickets included. I am thinking in visiting A Coruña or Lugo, two towns with an important Roman heritage: if we do it, we will pay the bus and the tickets (if necessary), but not the meals. Is it clear now?

About the hotel

As I have already told you, the hotels in the centre of Santiago are very small, so I don't know if all the partners will be able to stay at the same hotel. I am trying to book in two hotels that are in the same street. But I am waiting for call phone in order to check the prices.

I hope to have helped you.

Best regards,



  1. Everything is clear for me.
    I just want to repeat my message:
    Quizzes: What do you think if Paloma collects all the questions and then she uploads them in a single topic?

    Otherwise it could be difficult to upload them at the same time...but it is just a suggestion and a question.

    We are still waiting for Alexandra, Taner and Iwona to join the forum...

  2. I'm writing on behalf of Iwona. We agree with Bruno. It's a good idea to send all the quizzes to Paloma so that she can upload them all at the same time. Also the deadlines for quizzes and essays are ok.

  3. We have posted the following comment at "Meeting in Padron: Hotels and More". We repeat it here too:

    We agree with the dates for the quiz (15th Oct) and the essay (25th Oct).
    We think that Bruno's idea is fine and if Paloma agrees, then we will send her our new quiz till 14th Oct to upload it on the blog.
    We have already joined the forum this morning...

  4. Hello again,
    If Paloma says yes, then we'll send her our quiz by Oct.14.

  5. About the costs!
    Paloma, in our previous Comenius project every partner school paid for their expenses, that means everything,including the guided tours and the bus fares and the entrance tickets. The host school offered a kind of official dinner at its own expense, that is we did not have to pay.
    I don't see why you want to use your grant money to pay for us, when each school has the same grant and can pay. It's just a suggestion, don't get me wrong.
